We are pleased to announce that our closing keynote speaker for IGeLU 2024 is Vincent F. Hendricks.
Vincent F. Hendricks is a professor of formal philosophy at the University of Copenhagen. His research spans from formal epistemology and philosophy of science, over learning theory, to information processing and the analysis of democracy. He was the founding leader of the Center for Information and Bubble Studies at the University of Copenhagen, and is an active participant in public debates on media issues and on ehtics. His extensive list of publications includes books like The Ministry of Truth: BigTech’s Influence on Facts, Feelings and Fictions (with Camilla Mehlsen, 2022), Reality Lost: Markets of Attention, Misinformation and Manipulation (with Mads Vestergaard, 2018), Infostorm: Why do we “like”? Explaining individual behavior in the social net (with Pelle G. Hansen, 2016), and the forthcoming Whataboutmeism: How not to be pompous, predictable and pathetic (2024).