Steering Committee visits Ex Libris Headquarters

In February 2010 the Steering Committee visited Haifa, as part of our planning for the summer conference, to view the venue and meet with the enthusiastic local organizing committee. While we were in Israel we took the opportunity to visit the Ex Libris headquarters in Jerusalem to meet with the management team, and various other […]

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IGeLU expanding into Asia

We are very pleased that we now have 4 Asian IGeLU members, after a recruitment drive to include more of our Asian colleagues in our “world-wide” family. We have also made contact with the Chinese and Korean National User Groups, both of which are very active in their countries. In addition to Yonsei University Library […]

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Metadata petition for content discovery

The user groups IGeLU and ELUNA (Ex Libris Users of North America) are gathering signatures on a petition which we intend to present to EBSCO, and other content providers. We’re requesting their support for consolidated indexes such as Primo Central as the basis for comprehensive resource discovery platforms. We believe this would be of enormous […]

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Steering Committee Meetings in Haifa and Jerusalem

The Steering Committee traditionally holds its mid-conference business meetings at the venue of the next conference – allowing us to review the conference venue and discuss conference organisation with the local organising committee. Therefore this year, at the end of February, the Steering Committee will hold its meeting in Haifa, Israel. Being so near to […]

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IGeLU conference 2012 – IGeLU needs you!

The location of the 7th IGeLU Annual meeting is still open, and we invite all member institutions to consider hosting of our meeting in 2012!  Hosting of the IGeLU conference provides great publicity for your institution, gives many staff members from your and from your partner institutions in your country, the opportunity to take part […]

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INUG 2010

The 2010 INUG meeting took place on 29 August, and was attended by 46 people, representing 22 countries. The meeting discussed how communication between the National User Groups and IGeLU could be improved in order to keep NUG’s involved in and abreast of IGeLU and Ex Libris discussions; strengthen the support IGeLU could provide NUG’s; […]

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New website

Notice anything different? The IGeLU website has been redesigned, based on the feedback you gave us in August 2010. We’ve moved onto a WordPress platform to make it easier for us to manage – and we’ve restructured, reorganised, and in a lot of cases rewritten the content, to make it easier for you to navigate. […]

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New (and old) faces

There were several changes to IGeLU personnel at the Ghent conference, as well as the return of some familiar faces: Steering Committee: Lukas Koster (University of Amsterdam), Michele Newberry (Florida Center for Library Automation), and Fiona Burton (Macquarie University) were all re-elected to their positions on the Steering Committee. MetaLib Product Working Group: Meg Bate […]

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Voices from Ghent

During the Ghent conference our roving reporter Ulrika Domellof-Mattsson, from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, carried out some short interviews with attendees, to get a flavour of the conference, and to see how popular the famous Belgian beers really were…: (Photos by Eva Törnblom and Marcus Zerbst) Esther Straub, Informationsverbund Deutschschweiz, Switzerland Which session did […]

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