We are excited to announce the commencement of the Central Discovery Index (CDI) Enhancements voting cycle.
The CDI Enhancements voting cycle, currently in a trial phase, is an important step towards ensuring that enhancements proposed by our community receive the focused attention and development effort needed, particularly those related to CDI as expressed in various Ex Libris products and discovery systems.
This ballot consists of CDI-related product development enhancements submitted to the Summon and Primo enhancement cycles. While striving for product neutrality, it’s noted that these CDI software enhancements may be implemented differently in Primo and Summon.
100 points are allocated in 2024 to the CDI enhancements process, comprised of 50 points each from the Summon and Primo enhancements processes.
The trial CDI enhancements process is being managed by the Content Working Group, with the support of the Primo and Summon Working Groups.
We value your participation in this vital community process.
Voting Period, Eligibility, and Instructions
Voting is open from April 15 through May 3.
Any active member institution that licenses CDI through Primo or Summon or as a separate product can participate in the product vote.
To vote:
- Log in to NERS (New Enhancements Request System): https://ners.igelu.org, using your institution’s IGeLU or ELUNA ID and password
- On the Home section, choose Central Discovery Index 2024 enhancements, add votes to requests, and then Submit Votes
- The display will update to show your submitted votes, for example 90 of 100 votes submitted. You can change your votes and re-submit up to the point of the ballot being closed.
Please contact Charlie Remy (Charlie.Remy at dartmouth.edu) and Karin Perols (karin.perols at ki.se) (Content Working Group Coordinators) with any questions.