Call for Presentations and Posters, 2011 IGeLU Conference, Haifa

One of the great benefits of annual conference attendance is the sharing of user experiences among the membership, generating ideas and learning innovative practices. User presentations contribute significantly to this, and create a program that is more than just about Ex Libris products – it’s about how they are used!
IGeLU invites you to submit proposals for presentations and poster sessions at its 6th annual conference in Haifa, Israel. The conference will take place from 11-13 September. Information and links are elsewhere on our website, and the conference website is coming soon.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Now extended to 31 May 2011
Proposals may cover any of the Ex Libris products, the interactions between them, and their interoperation with other systems. We are interested in users’ experiences of Aleph, ARC, Voyager, SFX, bX, MetaLib, Verde, DigiTool, Rosetta and Primo and the Primo Central index.
Proposals may also cover topics that relate to the wider development of library and information systems within the context of Ex Libris products. For example:

● Innovative use of products
● Integration of products with each other or with external systems
● Innovative creation of mobile and hand-held applications
● Experiences of latest releases of products
● Experiences with new products, e.g., bX, Primo, Rosetta
● Authentication and authorization, e.g., PDS, Single Sign On, Shibboleth
● Optimising systems and maximising resources
● Work of IGeLU Focus Groups
● Usability/accessibility of interfaces
● Consortia issues
And not least
● Follow up on ideas from last year’s meeting
Submitting a proposal
To submit a proposal please use the online submission form. The closing date for submissions has now been extended to 31st May 2011

Guidelines to help you:
We look forward to your proposals; they offer a great way to share information and experiences with colleagues and also to contribute to a very special event, the 6th IGeLU annual conference in beautiful Haifa!