News From The Primo/Metalib Product Working Group

PrimoOvP functionality
In the Zurich conference the National User Groups complained about the lack of functionality in the Opac via Primo (OvP) setup. Because of this, libraries have to maintain their Opac or develop the needed functionality themselves. That does not comply with the claim from Ex Libris that Primo would lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for Primo customters. Ex Libris responded  by asking a list of the most needed functionlity.
The Primo/Metalib PWG organised a special enhancements ballot for this reason. The joint IGeLU and ELUNA Primo/MetaLib(+) working groups would like to thank the Primo community for participating in the OvP additional functionality enhancements ballot. A total of 7627 votes were cast, which shows a very significant interest in the OvP functionality in general.
The final compiled list is now with Ex Libris who will be coming back to us shortly with their feedback. We will keep you updated throughout the process.

Local language dictionary
The Israeli Primo PWG has lately initiated a discussion with Ex Libris regarding the implementation of a local language dictionary (Hebrew and Arabic in Israel). This includes a morphological component. The need for a local dictionary was evident from the first implementation of Primo in Israel.
Primo allows to enrich the lingual component using 3 local files: stop words, misspelling, and synonyms. The synonyms file, however, allows to insert only one word terms, hence it is very limited in its ability to enrich the vocabulary.
Ex Libris replied that they are looking for a 3rd party that can provide a linguistic component solution for various languages. Currently, their primary concern is CJK.
A local dictionary is essential to improve the user experience with Primo, in getting better search results. This is vital to any country which main language is not English.

Masud Khokhar, Primo/Metalib PWG coordinator