OvP Additional Functionality Ballot
In response to inquiries from both the IGeLU Primo/Metalib Product Work Group and the ELUNA Primo Product Working Group (PWG) concerning necessary improvements to the OPAC via Primo (OvP) functionality in Primo, Ex Libris management recognized the need for a one-time special enhancements voting process to identify the areas of concern with OvP.
The OvP Enhancement collection and voting process was concluded in December and the IGeLU and ELUNA Primo PWG’s have been working with Ex Libris to determine which enhancements will be moved into the Ex Libris Primo development cycle. Ex Libris management is committed to implementing these enhancements over the next year.
The enhancements voting results, and which ones were accepted into the Primo development cycle, are listed in a document stored in the IGeLU and ELUNA document repositories. The links listed below (log in required) can be used to view this document.
For IGeLU members :
For ELUNA members :
“OPAC via Primo (OvP) additional functionality request ballot results”
On behalf of the IGeLU Primo/Metalib PWG and the ELUNA Primo PWG, we thank Ex Libris for their continual commitment to the Primo user community and responding to our OvP needs. We also want to thank everyone who participated in this OvP Enhancement Collection and Voting process, and the PWG Enhancement Coordinators (Boaz Dotan and Bronwyn King, IGeLU and Dale Wann, ELUNA).
Metalib Customers Survey
The IGeLU Primo/MetaLib PWG is currently in the process of creating a survey for MetaLib customers. This survey is designed to get input from customers on what MetaLib interface they use, what are their plans for the future and if they have any plans to move to MetaLib+ interface. We will use the results of this survey to provide feedback to Ex Libris.
Igelu Primo/Metalib Product Working Group Spring Meeting
The IGeLU Primo/MetaLib PWG will be having a meeting at the end of April to discuss important topics relevant to Primo and MetaLib customers. Topics of discussion include:
- The yearly NERS enhancement cycle, MetaLib and Primo Central CKB voting process
- Primo enhancements interoperability with Alma
- MetaLib+ software enhancement procedure
- Primo mobile
- Features of other discovery tools currently not present in Primo, and other items
We will provide an update to the community in the next IGeLU News in Brief newsletter about the outcome of this meeting.
Masud Khokhar, Primo/Metalib Product Working Group Coordinator