
Using the BIBFRAME Editor

@9:00A.M. EDT on Wednesday, July 3, 2019

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Jodi Williamschen from the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress will demonstrate the latest version of the editor used by the BIBFRAME catalogers at the Library and will discuss the current progress in the pilot.  This will be of research interest to Ex Libris and its customers since a native linked data editing feature is on the roadmap for the Alma product, so both are invited to join the question and answer afterward.

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Making Linked Data – Catalogers’ Views from the Front Edge

@10:30AM EDT on Wednesday, August 29, 2018

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Two leaders in technical services share insights about cataloging/creating metadata natively as linked data, through their experience with linked data projects. Hear their thoughts on tools and processes and the future with BIBFRAME or beyond it. Nancy Lorimer is Head of the Metadata Department at Stanford and a participant in the LD4P projects. Xiaoli Li is Head of Content Support Services at the UC Davis Library and a participant in OCLC’s linked data pilot project.

Watch the show on YouTube.

Marc McGee and Christine Eslao from Harvard @9:00AM EDT on Tuesday, July 10, 2018

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In this presentation, project leads from Harvard’s LD4P/LD4L Labs projects for geospatial/cartographic resources and moving image materials will provide an overview of their efforts to adapt and extend BIBFRAME to enable domain-specific discovery metadata use cases. We will discuss challenges and lessons learned from integrating manual reconciliation and automated conversion processes. We will demonstrate some benefits of using external entities from Geonames, ISNI, and elsewhere to enhance SPARQL-driven visualizations, and relate these to discovery use cases generated by Harvard’s Alma Linked Data Working Group.

Watch the show on YouTube.

Josh Weisman from Ex Libris @09:00AM EST on November 30, 2017

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Ex Libris Linked Open Data development update and question/answer

Josh Weisman, VP for Development at Ex Libris, will describe the Linked Data Roadmap for benefit of those who did not attend the IGELU presentation, give updates on what’s been happening lately (including new BIBFRAME features in Alma), and be available to listen to your ideas and answer your questions about Ex Libris’s linked data development plans.

Submit your questions 30 min prior or during the session

Ichsan Tamsir Putra and Daniel Bangert from UNSW @17:00 AEST on August 10, 2017

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Integrating ORCID identifiers in an institutional repository

UNSW Sydney have been integrating ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) identifiers into library services to improve connections between systems used in scholarly communication. Ichsan Tamsir Putra and Daniel Bangert from UNSW Library will present on work completed in late 2016 to exchange and display ORCID identifiers in the UNSW Current Research Information System (Symplectic Elements), institutional repository (Fedora) and external aggregators (Trove, BASE). The presentation will include discussion of cross-walking to the repository metadata stored in Fedora and displayed via Primo UI as links to ORCID author pages. By integrating ORCID iDs into research dissemination workflows, data is exchanged efficiently and research outputs are made more discoverable.

Adrian Pohl @9:00 EDT on July 27, 2017

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lobid 2.0 – Building a LOD-based web API

Since 2010, the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz) is building up expertise and technology for LOD-based data infrastructure. lobid is the central LOD service provided by hbz. It offers user interfaces and web APIs serving JSON-LD via HTTP, providing bibliographic and authority data that is harvested daily from different sources and transformed to RDF.

After a longer beta phase, version 2.0 of the lobid-resources and lobid-organisations services was launched in June 2017. This show and tell gives a short overview over the technology and processes behind lobid, shows how the system works and tells what decisions were made when developing the services.

Some background regarding the development of lobid 2.0 can already be found on the lobid blog.

Yoel Kortick, July 17th, 2017 @16:00IST

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Alma analytics integration with Tableau Web Data Connector

One of the hallmarks of Alma is its openness and ability to integrate with other systems. This is often done through the use of APIs. In this session we will show live how one can easily import data from an Alma analytics report to Tableau. This is done by using the Tableau Web Data Connector, and the user needs to merely enter the path of the report and an API key.
We will go through the steps and then view and manipulate Alma Analytics data in Tableau.

Primo PWG, July 17th, 2017 @09:00 CET

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Primo New UI Q&A session

IGeLU and ELUNA will be hosting a Q&A with Ex Libris support with presentations from the community.

Send your questions to:


Wayne Schneider, April 27th, 2017 @09:00EDT

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Bringing MARC forward to BIBFRAME

As part of their ongoing work in research and development, the Library of Congress has released an application for converting legacy MARC records to RDF triples using the BIBFRAME 2.0 ontology, developed in partnership with Index Data. Wayne Schneider of Index Data will
discuss the development of the marc2bibframe2 conversion tool, and demonstrate some possible applications using the tool as part of a workflow for moving descriptive cataloging data from MARC into a Linked Open Data format.

Jackie Ammerman, January 18th, 2017 @09:30EST

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Publishing Bibliographic Records from Alma to the Library Link Network

Boston University Libraries have been working to develop a means of publishing their bibliographic records in linked data formats in order to make them widely accessible for discovery and re-use. In addition, BU Libraries are exploring the use of a variety of linked data sources to enrich their bibliographic records using linked data from authorized sources. In early 2016, BU Libraries joined the Libhub Initiative out of which has emerged the Library Link Network.

Working with Zepheira, the Libraries provided BibFrame training to library staff and publish their bib records from Alma to a web site that is regularly indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. Jack Ammerman, Associate University Librarian for Digital Initiatives & Open Access, will share the Libraries’ experience in publishing their records from Alma, enhancing the records from authorized sources, and their early efforts to assess the impact of their efforts.

PRIMO New UI Hackathon/Virtual Conference, December 12th – December 16th

PRIMO New UI Hackathon/Virtual Conference

The new user interface for Ex Libris’ discovery product, Primo, is a direct result of a product enhancement request by customers in 2014-2015. The initiative represents one of the most productive product collaborations to date between the ELUNA/IGeLU User groups, the user community at large and the vendor ProQuest/Ex Libris.

In order to learn how to customize and develop in this new environment, Ex Libris and the ELUNA/IGeLU user groups are offering a week-long virtual conference from December 12-16 via Slack. Recorded video and live sessions (via YouTube Live) will be scheduled daily and dropped within the Slack platform for participant viewing. Participants can post questions/comments/code snippets to the #primodev Slack channel where developers from Ex Libris, the community at large, and Ex Libris support staff will be hanging out for the week.
Get an invite for the event.

Download Slack desktop app
Watch on YouTube

Joan Kolarik, November 10th, 2016 @ 16:00 IST

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Alma – Tableau Web Connector

The Tableau Web Data Connector (WDC) can read data from virtually any site that publishes data in JSON, XML, or HTML making it an ideal tool for accessing Ex Libris APIs, currently available with Alma and Primo. As a first step, we will demonstrate the
proof of this concept by showing how Tableau can import analytics data from an Alma API using a WDC customized for Alma access. We hope that Ex Libris will take over development of a Tableau WDC tool and make it available as one of their
product integrations.

IGeLU 2016 Developers Day, September 8th, 2016 @ 09:00 CET

IGeLU 2016 Developers Day

Developers day is run by developers for developers, working together on exciting and innovative topics around but not restricted to Ex Libris products. Developers Day is free to attend. Last year, we had a really strong community spirit on the day, a
wonderful feeling of learning from our peers and brilliant sessions from our presenters.

Stephen Meyer, August 1st, 2016 @ 11:00 EDT

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Enhancing Library Discovery with Linked Open Data

Steve Meyer will present on the work at UW-Madison to enhance the library catalog with info cards for the authors of bibliographic works. This presentation will demonstrate how Linked Data efforts by library vendors can connect the authority work in library
catalogs to data sets on the Web that are not traditionally curated by libraries. Using these data sets enables the library catalog to place bibliographic works in the broader context of their authors’ lives. The discussion will be technical in nature
and walk through the local implementation of the software at the heart of this data integration. The presentation will dive into the Ruby code that serves as a reference implementation for conducting a bibliographic data crawl of public SPARQL endpoints.
Through this overview we hope to foster a conversation about the challenges of working with Linked Data in a real-time web application context, specifically the speed and availability of Linked Data sets. We will assume that you are already familiar
with the core Linked Data principles/technologies (such as RDF, graph structures, SPARQL) and general web development methodologies.

Josh Weisman, June 22, 2016 @ 16:00 CET

Ex Libris REST API Thresholds

Josh Weisman, Development Director at Ex Libris will give an explanation of the REST API thresholds for Alma and Primo, their purpose, how they’re calculated, and tips for building apps which make prudent use of API calls.

Karsten Kryger Hansen, February 17, 2016 @ 16:00 CET

Enriching Primo records on the fly with WordPress

The structure of bibliographic metadata (neither in Aleph/Alma nor in Primo) does not comply well with adding temporary information about specific records, e.g. expected downtime or known errors. This is also the case with permanent information about
e.g. options for mobile access or instructions, if you do not put it in details or similar. For the last couple of years we have utilized WordPress to enrich records in the user interface of Primo. The solution allows us to target specific records with
e.g. tips for access on mobile device (e.g. using a “voucher”), broken access options, or notice about the need for registration to access certain Primo Central records from some repositories. The talk will include the following technologies: PHP, JavaScript,
jQuery. However, you will not need to know these to become familiar with the solution.