Alive and kicking
The Alma Product Working Group is thrilled to be representing and working for an active community of Alma users. PWG members have facilitated a number of regional user ‘meetings’, sometimes in person and sometimes virtually.
We continue to work closely with Ex Libris by nominating ‘advisors’ for different topical groups, such as the community zone. The coordinator, deputy coordinator and ELUNA and IGeLU Steering Committee liaisons have monthly calls with Alma product managers to discuss potential collaborative projects, issues raised via ALMA-L and future functionality.
New activities
In the past several months the Alma PWG and the Steering Committees successfully negotiated a process to begin collection of Alma enhancement ideas (more news on this at the PWG meeting at IGeLU).
A licensing focus group, led by Janet Morrow, Northeastern University (US), was formed in the spring. Licensing functionality recommendations from this group will be submitted to the PWG prior to the IGeLU meeting.
There are people involved
Diane Baden, Boston College (US), retired from her position at BC and the Alma PWG this summer. She was a very active member in our group. We miss her!
We asked Kevin Kidd, also from Boston College, to join the PWG as member and liaison to the Interoperability interest group.
Ann Miller, University of Oregon (US) and member of the Orbis Cascade Alliance, also joined the group to provide the group with a network zone perspective.
We continue to look for potential members from non-English speaking countries.
Betsy Friesen, Alma Product Working Group Coordinator