At Haifa we said goodbye to Pat Busby, who has completed her term on the Steering Committee. Her contributions to IGeLU will be sorely missed.

With her departure two of the IGeLU Steering Committee positions came up for election by the Assembly of Members. After the votes were counted Peter Klien (Austrian Library Network) was newly appointed, while Michael Fake (London School of Economics) was confirmed for a second term. To find out more about the responsibilities of each of the Steering Committee members please see here.
Elsewhere there was a change of personnel in the Voyager Product Working Group – Habib Tabatabai (University of Central Oklahoma) came to the end of his term as Coordinator and the baton was passed to Ray Delahunty (University of the Arts London). Several other PWGs also see new members join and old members move on – see the Product Working Groups and Special Interest Groups for more details.
IGeLU is a community of volunteers, and we’d like to thank everyone who contributed in 2010/11 – you all make an enormous difference! And of course our thanks and welcome to our new members and volunteers!
IGeLU Steering Committee