INUG 2010

The 2010 INUG meeting took place on 29 August, and was attended by 46 people, representing 22 countries.

The meeting discussed how communication between the National User Groups and IGeLU could be improved in order to keep NUG’s involved in and abreast of IGeLU and Ex Libris discussions; strengthen the support IGeLU could provide NUG’s; and promote IGeLU membership. Amongst other mechanisms discussed, it was noted that the IGeLU website was being restructured and enhanced, with regular “News-in-brief”, and all members were encouraged to use the IGeLU mailing lists to share and discuss issues.

After the break, issues arising from the meeting were raised with Ex Libris Executive Management. These included: support issues (including making Support Incidents openly available to all, and Ex Libris’ Support Escalation Policy); addressing gaps and inconsistencies in documentation; progress with the URM Focus Group; concerns with regard to transfer of current product features to new products; and the need for new customer information to assist with IGeLU membership recruitment.

Ex Libris also provided feedback on senior personnel changes, the impact of their restructuring process, plans for a new customer portal, and progress with replacing the Pivotal CRM system.

All in all, the INUG meeting continued its important role in providing a unique forum for discussion amongst Users, between NUG’s and IGeLU, and between NUG’s and Ex Libris.

Minutes of the meeting, and Country reports from many of the attendees are now available.