The traditional INUG (IGeLU International User Groups) meeting will take place again just before the IGeLU Annual Conference – this time on a Saturday in lovely Haifa.

Representatives of the National User Groups (NUGs) will meet with each other, the Steering Committee, and the Product and Special Interest Working Group Coordinators, where feedback will be provided on the past year’s activities. NUG representatives will have the opportunity to share experiences and concerns and explore these with colleagues within a small group.
Ex Libris Management will join the group later in the afternoon, which will provide an opportunity to hear developments they’re planning, and to discuss issues and concerns arising from the meeting before.
We are looking forward to meeting a large group of National User Group Representatives at the INUG meeting on 10 September. NUG representatives should already have had a request for country reports via the INUG list (due 26th August!) – if you are a national user group representative and you aren’t on the list please get in touch with
See you in Haifa!
Pat Busby, IGeLU SC