Latin America Ex Libris User Group (GUAL) Meeting

Latin America Ex Libris User Group (GUAL) – allied with the Ex Libris International User Group (IGELU) and North American User Group (ELUNA)- and the Library of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile are organizing the First Regional Conference of GUAL. The conference will be held on March 23rd to 24th 2020, at UC Innovation Center located at Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Chile, with the conference theme “Latin Force for the Library of the Future.” The event aims to be both a meeting and an exchange space in which Ex Libris users from many countries, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Peru, and Uruguay, may share experiences, best practices, projects and ideas to get the best results from their systems and services. If you are interested in participate, please complete the free register in the following link. More information about speakers and agenda can be found in the Conference site.