About Membership

IGeLU welcomes all institutions that are licensed users of Ex Libris products. Join IGeLU and become a member of a growing community of over 550 voting institutions from around the world.

As an IGeLU member, you can participate in all activities of the association. The members of your institution are eligible to serve on the Steering Committee and/or in the working bodies of the Product Working Groups and Communities of Practice. You are entitled to reduced fees for the Annual Conference and have access to members-only information on the IGeLU website. Most importantly you can participate in the voting for new enhancements to Ex Libris products.

Starting Autumn 2017, the Steering Committee has granted all new Ex Libris customers who have never registered as IGeLU member before to receive a complimentary first-year IGeLU membership.

Join us today!

To join, simply download the interactive registration form and send it, with your signature, as a pdf file to us. We will send you an invoice for the annual membership fee of €300.

IGeLU registration form

Send your completed form to:
IGeLU c/o University of Siena
Via Banchi di sotto, 55
53100 Siena – Italy
Email: secretariat@igelu.org