Preparations are in hand for the next round of voting, with the compilation of a set of outstanding Primo software enhancement requests in NERS. Submit your favourite requests to NERS for voting now!
Two voting snapshots have been taken of MetaLib CKB enhancement requests since Haifa, and 8 global with 4 local resources have been submitted to Ex Libris for addition to the knowledgebase. Emails have already been circulated to the MetaLib list, and summary information can be viewed in EL Commons. You are urged to add your resource candidates and participate in the MetaLib CKB voting in NERS.
Finally, some news from Ex Libris – Jorgen Madsen is changing position from Primo Product Manager to Sales Manager for Asia & Pacific. The new Product Manager for Primo is Ido Peled (previously the PM for Rosetta) – we look forward to working with him.
Mandy Stewart and Jeremy Acland,
Joint Primo/MetaLib PWG coordinators