Combined with ELUNA
As more and more libraries move to Alma and other Library Systems, the IGeLU Product Working Group has had people leaving and was unable to attract new members.
Therefore, after the Oxford meeting the only member remaining is Nicholas Volk from the National Library of Finland. He is still on a learning curve so please bear with him.
Due to our numbers, the plan is to merge IGeLU and ELUNA PWG’s, but more of that later.
Version 9.2
After the Voyager 9.2 enhancement election, the most popular enhancements are now being reviewed, and Ex Libris will start working on them improvements early next year. Despite stepping down as the PWG chairperson, Raymund Delahunty is still contributing here. So big thank you to all the old committee members in general, as especially to Raymund.
Nicholas Volk, National Library of Finland