Primo 2019 NERS results

Thank you to all who have submitted requests and voted in this year’s Primo enhancement round in NERS.

The results of the ballot is now in, and ExLibris has added development complexity points to the requests. The Primo community gets to spend 100 complexity points each year, which this year sufficed for the top five requests, and ExLibris has agreed to develop these. This means there will not be a second round of voting this year.

These are the accepted enhancements:

Round 1 vote rankNERS IDTitleDescription (modified for brevity)VotesCom- plexity points
No.16125Sticky facets by defaultCreate a configuration option (or force by default) Primo’s facets be sticky by default when a user selects a facet in their search. Users do not understand why searching a modified keyword continues to remove the facets selects and are getting very frustrated when they have to remember and reselect all the facets they previously used. Once a new search is initiated, the sticky facets should be removed, but once a user selects facets again, they should be sticky.  275725
No.26230Enable option to favour latest edition of bibliographic work to top the FRBR group
For when records for editions of a bibliographic work are FRBRised, customers can choose whether to display a “Generic Record” or to have a “Preferred Record” front the group in the results listing. We find the latter option to be the better solution, provided we could configure the “Preferred record” to be that of the latest edition, which we can’t today.260925
No.36190Export search results to Excel/csvWhen a user gets several hundred search results, they need to be able to download a list of the entire set of results. This is a feature that faculty and research assistants routinely used in our Aleph OPAC, and a tool they use in research databases. They see this as a drawback of doing research in Primo. There is no way in Primo to capture an entire set of search results and do anything with it, such as export. 204930
No.46184Make it possible to override Start Harvest date for Delete and ReLoad pipesEach time a Delete Data Source and ReLoad pipe is run, the “Stop harvesting files/records from” value in the pipe setup changes to the date the pipe was run. We would like to see an option to either set the start harvest files date to a static date, or to suppress the start harvesting feature entirely for this sort of pipe. 20018
No.56290Improve NUI user actions on mobile devices.Actions such as navigating and using the ‘Send to’ menu, Expanding and collapsing OvP blocks, and applying filters are unreliable and slow on mobile devices. Design improvements that would allow mobile devices to be a viable platform for catalog searching would be desirable.  191712

Additionally, ExLibris has agreed to develop enhancement #6341 “Set automatically the cursor in the search box”, after verifying that it does not adversely affect accessibility requirements. 

What happens now? 

The NERS agreement states that ExLibris will develop the accepted enhancements within one year – as is customary, this year starts after the IGeLU conference, i.e. from September 2019.

Meanwhile, you are always welcome to add further requests in NERS; these will be considered for next years’ voting.

Thank you again to all who contributed, and especially to the joint enhancements team of the ELUNA and IGeLU Primo Working Groups for all their work on this year’s process.

Best regards,

Corinna Baksik, Chair, ELUNA Primo Working Group (  

Knut Anton Bøckman, Coordinator, IGeLU Primo Working Group (