Esploro Product Working Group


IGeLU Esploro Working Group has been created to represent members of the IGeLU Community who use the Ex Libris Esploro product. The IGeLU Esploro Working Group works in partnership with their ELUNA counterpart. Contact the chair at

What We Do

Community Enhancement Requests and Voting Process (CERV): The CERV process is an agreement between the IGeLU and ELUNA communities and ExLibris to develop the enhancements that have been voted for by the community within 12 months. Esploro, as a new product, has been allocated 50 development points. In 2025 Esploro will undertake a full round of voting using the Aha! Enhancement Portal for submission of enhancements and voting will be undertaken in Election Buddy.

The Steering committee has provided a guide for submitting an enhancement request.

Please continue to submit your ideas to:

Community Outreach: The ELUNA and IGeLU Working Groups are collaborating to host “Community Conversations“. Most of the conversation meetings have been recorded.

Surveying the Community: The results of the ELUNA Esploro Working Group second annual survey of the Esploro community are available. The third survey will be circulated in late 2023.

Community Knowledge: Because Ex Libris does not currently provide a place to contribute community knowledge, the Working Group can, by request, add helpful content.


Laura Ballestra, Biblioteca Mario Rostoni, Italy
Indira Bermudez Aguilar, International Labour Organization, Switzerland
Maureen Bezanson, Southern Cross University, Australia
Susana Cardoso, International Labour Organization, Switzerland
Rebecca Cooke, University of the Sunshine Coast, AustraliaCoordinator; Website Editor
Hala El-Gohary, International Labour OrganisationDeputy Coordinator; Conference Planning Committee
Joan Kolarik, Drexel University, USA
Chiara Pinciroli, Biblioteca Mario Rostoni, Italy
Montserrat Rodriguez-Marquez, University of Surrey, UKEnhancements Coordinator
Paolo Buoso, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, ItalyIGeLU Steering Committee Liaison