Statute Amendments 2018

The IGeLU Steering Committee is going to propose to the Assembly of members the approval of some amendments to the IGeLU Statute.

All the IGeLU members up-to-date with the payment of the annual fee will have the rights to participate to the Assembly of members and to vote for the amendments, the Assembly of members is convened during the Annual meeting in Prague on August the 20th –  in the Auditorium room of the Clarion Congress hotel.

According to the Constitution, a resolution to amend the Statute requires a vote of the membership in which 2/3 (two thirds) of the Members cast a vote,  and a simple majority of those voting approve the resolution.

Those members who will not have their representatives attending the meeting will have the right to give a proxy vote to a representative of a different Institution.

Below the current Statute and proposed changes by Article

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Theo Engelman

IGeLU Chair