April 25th 2024 – meeting notes

IGeLU/ELUNA Customer Support Advisory Group – Meeting #03

Discussion on Terms of Reference


Examine known issues and how to best report them with the support application
TEMP DISCUSSION – ExL maintain issues. Known Issues…self help.
Possible differences for Consortia.
We need more information from ExLib about Problem Management.
Knowledge base – how is it managed for Support Team.
Lifecycle of Known Issues – may involve a workaround. Impact is only managed on the listservs?
Q: Need more info from ExL about Problem Management roadmap.
Advise on how customers discover problems (in the ITIL sense), known defects/bugs/issues and report their instances of these identified problems

DISCUSSION – maintain history and links to jira. “Just googled ITIL problem management, and the steps are problem detection-problem logging-investigation and diagnosis-workaround-create know error record-resolution-closure”Categorize by functional area.

Document the content and software support ticket lifecycle and create features within the support application to be more informative on where customer tickets sit before being resolved.
DISCUSSION: Known issues for content? Lifecycle of incidents. Need a Decision Tree  for different types of calls. Including known issues/problems. Bugs?? Salesforce comms templates?
Advise on enhancements to the support application
DISCUSSION – Consortium cases – email copy for case comments. Could it work more like Teams so people added as email contacts – for people with no Salesforce login. Consortiums e.g. 80 members.Can email include all case comments and chat history. 
Survey the following service metrics within the IGeLU and ELUNA communities
(survey results to be confidential to the Advisory Group, Ex Libris, and Steering Committees because Clarivate is a publicly traded company):Overall and Ticket Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT)Service Level Expectations (Customer expectation – How long should this ticket take, sit in a particular queue?) Overall resolution rates (not closure rate, but customer/vendor agree that issue is resolved), Net promoter score (overall loyalty to Ex Libris as an organization)Satisfaction metrics of communicationFirst non-automated response satisfactionSatisfaction of closing solution measures of customer effort (CES) – (On a scale of 1-7, how much effort was involved in answering your question?)Customer rating of support staff understanding of problemAverage ticket handling time

Discuss ways to address issues referred to in the NERS enhancement process or idea exchange.
DISCUSSION – no established workflow for end to end process. ‘After review we have decided not to include in Roadmap”.  Important distinction between defects and enhancements. How can we escalate issues as a community? Not just number of users affected. Impact for worst affected user. Impact scores? Can we do more with group logins in Salesforce (Regional/Community/Language).

Ideas Exchange – where no solution – closed immediately. We need more information on why the decision was made not to pursue.  Need more transparency for other customers with the same need.Keep original discussions….better reporting in Ideas Exchange.  Opt in news on Ideas Exchange traffic? Proactive way of knowing what people are asking for. Rather than searching in IE interface. 

Examine areas/scenarios where customers are reopening tickets after issues have been resolved by support.  Discuss improvements in communication for requested functionality that will not get resolved or developed.Examine how the document center is integrated with the support center. Identify areas where Ex Libris might be able to identify areas of self-service over requiring support tickets.


Meeting #02 – March 28th 2024