During the Ghent conference our roving reporter Ulrika Domellof-Mattsson, from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, carried out some short interviews with attendees, to get a flavour of the conference, and to see how popular the famous Belgian beers really were…:
(Photos by Eva Törnblom and Marcus Zerbst)

Esther Straub, Informationsverbund Deutschschweiz, Switzerland
Which session did you enjoy the most?
The session “(re)Cycling Metadata, from carrier pigeon to more sophisticated methods” [by Bas Vat and Theo Engelman] about the formats was a joy. It was such a different approach!
Did you drink any Belgian beer?
I had some beer…it was…ok…

Helge Risvand, Stavanger Public Library, Norway
Which session did you enjoy the most?
There have been sessions which have been interesting, but not so relevant for my work. For example, URM interests me, but it feels like it will not be realized in the close future. The keynote surprised me in a positive way.
Did you drink any Belgian beer?
I had some light beer from Ghent in a circular glass.

Jesús Bustamante, Cedefop, Greece
Which session did you enjoy the most?
So far I have enjoyed the Q and A session most. It is a lively session and they touch strategic issues. In a short period of time you get a feeling of the strategic landscape.
Did you drink any Belgian beer?
I liked Leffe and a beer with a name related to monks.
Genet Idossa Kitata, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH, Germany

Which session did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed the session 10.4. [Customising Ex Libris Products Using Open Standards and Tools Part II: The Sequel, by Mark Dehmlow] It was a practical approach and was very well explained.
Did you drink any Belgian beer?
I tried one beer mixed with Sprite…