Addressing 2017 feedback provided by community

The Steering Committee is actively reaching out to members to share your support stories with us. Based on the information we distill from your stories we approach Ex Libris management to inform on the one hand and inquire on the other about issues we identify to be not incidental but more structural. We can then enable and help Ex Libris to find solutions that will raise customer satisfaction worldwide.

It’s vital that we get your reports to represent the community where needed. The added value we offer the community is best matched when we bundle the global experiences and needs of you, our members and Ex Libris customers. We are here to help and serve you using the channels and relations we have built and maintain with product managers and executives inside Ex Libris.

One of the most transparent channels used is the annual INUG meeting at our conferences. Here representatives of your regional or national user groups gather to report and discuss all issues noticed by members they feel interesting or important for the quality of service that in the end our patrons rely on. The INUG meeting is internal for the first two hours to allow all member representatives to discuss and share information before following up on them when the Ex Libris senior executives join the meeting. The most active and vibrant meeting you can imagine, where fully unprepared the managers are faced with customer issues fresh from the needle. And truly all who have witnessed previous events know how much all attendees appreciate these sessions.

So, help us to help you and whenever you feel the need, go to  this online form and give us your contribution. Your input is highly appreciated!

Theo Engelman
IGeLU Chair