News from the Primo/Metalib Product Working Group

OVP ballot

The Primo/MetaLib PWG is happy to announce the OPAC via Primo (OvP) NERS enhancement cycle for Primo and MetaLib+ has been successfully completed.
This ballot has been conducted in addition to the ‘normal’ voting and had the goal to list the missing features in OvP.
In summary, we had a total number of 51 enhancements for which 5486 votes were cast. In co-operation with the Eluna Primo PWG we compiled the final list and sent it to Ex Libris.
We would like to pass on our gratitude to the Ex Libris user community for participating in this process, and we will shortly update you with the outcomes.

Yearly ballots

The lists of the ballots 2012 and 2013 are found in the EL Commons Wiki under the address ‘Primo, enhancement ideas’. Ex Libris has already developed or will develop five enhancements for the general and OvP functions of the 2012 voting cycles.
The group is still in discussion with Ex Libris about the enhancements of the 2013 general voting cycle.

New members

We would also like to announce new persons with new positions in the Primo/MetaLib PWG.
Christian Haenger is the new coordinator and Bronwyn King the new deputy coordinator of the group.
At the IGeLU Conference in Berlin four new members were elected while other members left the group. We have to thank the former members of the group for their great work.
For more details see here:

Christian Haenger, IGeLU Primo/Metalib PWG coordinator