The evidence documents compiled by the Analytics SIWG detailing issues in Alma, Primo and Leganto Analytics have been sent to Ex Libris for an initial review. The purpose of this initial review is to ensure accuracy and to avoid possible misunderstandings related to existing functionality. Ex Libris will have until the end of February for this initial review. The documents will be released to the Alma, Primo, Leganto, Analytics and Consortia lists for a two week review period in March. A google form will be released with the documents as a means for reviewers to send comments, request priority changes and send additional use cases back to the Analytics SIWG. The group will make final edits to the documents and release them back to Ex Libris for final review in April. The Analytics SIWG plans to meet with Ex Libris staff at ELUNA in May to discuss the documents and to hear Ex Libris’ plan for resolving the reported issues.
Summon Analytics are not included in this release of evidence documents but the group is committed to start gathering Summon evidence in 2018.
Please come to the Analytics and Interoperability joint meeting at ELUNA. This meeting is tentatively scheduled on Thursday, May 3 from 3:00-3:45pm in the Birch Ballroom. Please check the ELUNA final schedule to confirm exact date and time and to see other Analytics presentations being offered by members of the Analytics SIWG and other institutions.
Margaret Briand Wolfe
Coordinator, Analytics SIWG