During the 4th quarter of 2023, the Content Working Group is coordinating a community vote on new providers to be added to Ex Libris content products.

We will be looking only at requests for providers that have no content whatsoever in the 360/Alma/SFX knowledge bases or Central Discovery Index – providers new to Ex Libris. New authorities sources or zero title databases will not be considered during this round of content enhancements. Please see the Best Practices for submitting content requests from existing providers.
Please submit your new provider requests to the Content Ideas Exchange (using the “New provider” category in the drop down menu) by the deadline of October 31, 2023. Please check Ideas Exchange to see whether your new provider is already there. If so, then give it a vote or write a comment so we know it’s still necessary for the community. The content Ideas Exchange is open to the entire Ex Libris user community and allows the entire community to propose possible new providers.
In early November, a curated ballot will be created in NERS and then only ELUNA/IGeLU members will be able to vote on this from November 13-30. Only items from Ideas Exchange will be featured on the NERS ballot; the community should not add any new requests to NERS. ELUNA/IGELU members may vote for as many relevant new providers as they like and the ones with the highest number of votes will be brought to Ex Libris for provider outreach. There will be 2 slots each reserved for French and Lithuanian language providers.
Given that Ex Libris depends on provider cooperation and ability to deliver metadata, there are no guarantees that the highest voted providers will be added to Ex Libris KB’s and Central Discovery Index. If Ex Libris is unable to ingest content from any of the top voted providers, they will move down the prioritized list to seek content from other highly voted providers. Status updates on new provider voting and results will be sent via the Content listserv.
Finally, Ex Libris will continue to review and consider Ideas Exchange requests for new providers outside the NERS voting process.