The SFX Product Working Group met in Zurich last month to discuss priorities and focus for the PWG for the year. While conference planning is always a constant activity, we identified a couple of additional areas to work on. This year we will continue the ongoing KB and software enhancements voting processes – the KB […]
Category: Content
CKB agreement signed
During the conference in Haifa the representatives of Ex Libris, IGeLU and ELUNA finally signed the “Agreement on the procedure for additions of resources to the Ex Libris Knowledge Bases”. This agreement may not be snappily titled, but by confirming the process for getting resources added to the SFX/Verde/MetaLib Central Knowledge Bases it represents an […]
MetaLib CKB resources voting

Two MetaLib CKB voting snapshots have now been carried out in NERS. At the end of each snapshot the top rated 4 global resources and 2 regional resources are presented to Ex Libris. MetaLib CKB voting snapshots are scheduled to be done at approximately two-monthly intervals, but the most recent snapshot was postponed pending handover […]
MetaLib CKB results
The first MetaLib CKB voting using the IGeLU and ELUNA NERS system was held between Monday 30th August and Monday 4th October. All IGeLU and ELUNA members were eligible to vote, and during the process 18 different member institutions from 9 different regions entered 59 different resource requests. The results of the voting were: SciFinder […]