During the conference in Haifa the representatives of Ex Libris, IGeLU and ELUNA finally signed the “Agreement on the procedure for additions of resources to the Ex Libris Knowledge Bases”. This agreement may not be snappily titled, but by confirming the process for getting resources added to the SFX/Verde/MetaLib Central Knowledge Bases it represents an important milestone in ensuring fairness and balance in how resources are assigned.

Under the terms of the agreement all IGeLU/ELUNA members can use NERS to vote in an 8-week cycle for resources to be added to the CKBs. For their part Ex Libris commits to implementing (where technically possible) the top 4 “general” resources, plus a further top 2 resources from one “region” each cycle. The region being selected for changes every voting cycle.
The agreement was based on discussions and work dating back more than a year – many of you will be aware that we have been running the process in pilot form since the Ghent conference in 2010 – but in Haifa we were able to finalise and agree on this as the way forward for future resource additions.
So please do remember to use this opportunity to get resources in to the CKBs that are important for you, and for your region!
Jirka Kende