Customer Stories on Professional Services

Ex Libris professional services

IGeLU has recently received feedback from members indicating complaints and dissatisfaction with the professional skills and quality of Ex Libris’ project staff.

To better represent the customers when talking to Ex Libris about this we need your help and input.

Therefore IGeLU kindly asks all National and Regional User Groups to reach out to their members and help us collecting customer stories on this.

We know and acknowledge that projects like implementing new products or moving current products to the Ex Libris hosted services and cloud services are never a simple and straightforward process. Problems, delays and discussions on how to solve issues are an integral part of any project.

The information that we are hoping to collect will allow us to provide feedback to Ex Libris to help them improve their processes, not to apportion blame to individual Ex Libris staff. Maybe the structure of your implementation project did cause problems that heavily impacted your appreciation of the project. For instance ;

  • Introductory workshops to introduce the new product might give your institution the possibility to understand the structure of the new system and ask questions before going deeper into the details of the vast documentation and training materials.
  • Timely analysis of the legacy system and information about which data in the legacy system needs to be changed before the actual implementation project starts. It could help lower the stress during the implementation projects. Not only for the customer but also Ex Libris could benefit from avoiding many cases that needs to be written, interpreted and understood and answered.

We trust that customers will share their stories and experiences in a positive atmosphere, reporting on situations they also discussed with the Ex Libris project leader involved in the project.

This kind of stories can be complex and detailed and may even have personal information in it.

Therefore IGeLU will not use a survey form to collect this information,  but invites customers to share their stories by sending them either to their National and Regional User Groups or directly to the IGeLU Steering Committee.

Theo Engelman
IGeLU Chair