So long 2019, Hello 2020
2019 was another busy year for the IGeLU Leganto Product Working Group with many Leganto customers participating in activities. Consequently, the committee would like to thank all those who contributed to the IGeLU conference, focus groups (Analytics Dashboard and Purchase Requests) and webinars (Memorial University staff, and the recent course cleanup webinar).
We wish all Leganto customers a wonderful year ahead.
New UK & Ireland customer profiles
The user group gives us the opportunity to share experiences with other Leganto customers and can provide useful insights as well as reassurances (we all like to know we’re not alone in trying to bring academic staff on board with a new system!).
We’ve pulled together 5 Leganto customer profiles from the UK & Ireland from institutions who have rolled out Leganto in 2019:
University of Manchester, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cardiff University and University of Limerick.
The profiles provide an overview of the individual rollouts and the expected benefits these five, relatively new Leganto customers, have of introducing the reading list system.
Using Leganto to provide an excellent student experience and to develop efficient library workflows are key aims. Seamless access and integration with other university systems is another expected benefit of using Leganto.
The UK & Ireland profiles highlight the challenge of introducing a new system to academics while being mindful not to add to their workloads. Emphasising the benefits of Leganto and providing training and guidance are some of the strategies being employed to promote Leganto to academics.
You can read the profiles here:
If you would like to add a customer profile from your own institution, please get in touch.
Read List Workflows – A short Survey
From Scott Pryor, Cardiff University
Cardiff University has recently acquired Leganto, with no previous system in place. As part of the implementation process, we wanted to know whether Leganto was best supported by a central team, or in a more devolved manner. At the end of July 2019 we sent out a brief survey to a number of email lists, and received 34 responses.
The majority were from the UK (68%), with most institutions using Leganto (62%, with most of the rest using Talis Aspire– 32%). Most institutions had a mix of academic and library staff responsible for creating and maintaining lists (67%).
The majority of institutions had a dedicated team supporting Leganto (71%).
The responsibility for checking uploaded files, in most cases, sat with the dedicated copyright and digitisation teams (65%), although one institution had taken the decision to switch off the upload option – in hindsight, Cardiff would have possibly made the same decision, as in most cases the material is better served via linking or scanning. The majority (76%) of institutions also digitised on request, rather than automatically digitising everything cited at chapter and article level.
Moving forward, we’re looking to investigate the setting up of a central support team for Leganto. We’ve built workflows around checking broken links and uploaded files, which we’ve shared with the other Welsh universities, but we’re particularly interested in purchasing workflows, and handling new and modified lists. We’re also hoping to launch a Welsh reading list event in 2020, which may be of interest to the wider community.
Leganto Day (UK & Ireland) October 2019
UK & Ireland Leganto customers came together in London on 16th October for a dedicated Leganto Day.
The event was organised by Maria Cotera (Campus Engagement Manager) and attended by Barak Hecht (Leganto Development Manager) who flew in especially from Israel.
The event was hosted by Ex Libris at their London office and was filled to capacity. There were 59 attendees from 30 different Universities– this is pretty impressive as at the time there were 30 UK & Ireland Leganto customers! A special mention goes to Gijs Noels who also attended from KU Leuven (Belgium).
This high level of interest shows the value Leganto customers place in coming together to share experiences and best practices. Attendees took full advantage of the day and there was plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion after each presentation and during lunch.
Barak covered the roadmap and future developments before delivering a presentation on ‘Citation availability for beginners’ (this topic was requested by UK & Ireland customers). Barak explained about repository and non-repository items and how they work in relation to Leganto.
Scott Pryor from Cardiff University provided an overview of the Reading List survey he conducted in July 2019. (There’s a summary of his findings included in this issue of News in Brief).
Chris Jones (University of Sheffield) summarised the findings of the Alma Purchase Request Focus Group and possible solutions to the issues raised. While Alex Forrest and Angela Laurins from the University of Edinburgh talked about managing rollover. It was interesting to hear why some universities do (or don’t) rollover and surprising to find out that we rollover at different times of the year.
Leonard Wright (Ex Libris) spoke about the integration with the DCS (Digital Content Store) and Linda Pover who leads a newly formed reading list team, described how the University of Manchester have been using Leganto to manage their digitisation workflow.
Having a dedicated Leganto Day was incredibly useful. The community had a great deal to share and discuss. A Leganto user Group UKI basecamp has been set up to help continue the discussion.
Upcoming Events:
NERS enhancements:
A reminder that the NERS 2020 enhancement cycle has started; customers are encouraged to submit enhancement requests through the NERS website by the 31st of January.

This photo was taken in the lovely Gardens by the Bay, Singapore during the 2019 IGeLU Conference.
Join the Leganto-L Mailing Lists
Leganto-L discussion group is hosted by IGeLU. Subscription is open to Ex Libris customers and to employees of Ex Libris and/or its affiliates and resellers.
Please be aware that for your subscription request to be approved, you must be either a current staff member at an institution that has signed a contract for an Ex Libris product, or a current employee of Ex Libris or one of its affiliates.
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See Customer Profiles:
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