The new Linked Open Data Special Interest Group, which was launched following the special Linked Open Data session at the IGeLU 2011 conference, will have its first face-to-face meeting in Amsterdam on February 1st 2012. The group currently consists of Kai Eckert (Mannheim University Library, Germany, Coordinator), Markus Knitel (Austrian Library Network and Services Ltd, Austria), Lieke Verhelst (Wageningen UR Library, The Netherlands) and Silke Schomburg (HBZ Library Consortium, Germany), supported by Steering Committee member Lukas Koster (Library of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands ).
The group will discuss strategies to go forward, division of tasks and responsibilities and ideas for sessions at the IGeLU 2012 conference in Zürich.
The group still needs volunteers, and in particular we’re looking for people from outside Europe, and/or with some involvement in Alma, so if you are interested, please contact Lukas Koster (l.koster@uva.nl)
Lukas Koster, IGeLU Steering Committee