The 2012/2013 enhancements cycle was completed successful on February 12. In this cycle some changes were introduced in the enhancements procedure, we decided to bring only the top 15 enhancements from the first voting round to the final voting round, as agreed with the Aleph PWG Business meeting in Zurich.
These 15 enhancements (having assigned development points by Ex Libris) were ranked by their votes in the final voting round and then checked by the PWG according the 120 points available for IGeLU Aleph enhancements. The limit was reached at 7 enhancements and this top 7 enhancements has been forwarded to Ex Libris for development.
IGeLU and ELUNA ran separated voting cycles, however, the final results were shared by both working groups in order to remove duplicated enhancements.
The selected enhancements were published in IGeLU Aleph PWG page at and additional information for each enhancement is available in the NERS database. These enhancements will be implemented in Aleph version 22.
Aleph PWG want to thanks all members who collaborated with their suggestions and votes in the 2012/2013 enhancements cycle. The Aleph enhancements cycle is a good opportunity for the members to suggest and choose the new features that they wish to be included in the system.
Additional information about the enhancement procedure and the NERS database can be found at IGeLU website,
Augusto Ribeiro, Aleph Product Working Group Coordinator