As usual, Aleph PWG work is mostly focused on enhancements. The NERS is open for requests for the 2012 voting cycle. If you have any old requests that are still in the ICAU database that you wish to present for voting, please reenter and update them in NERS. We have now begun the process of […]
INUG meeting, Haifa 2011
The traditional INUG (IGeLU International User Groups) meeting will take place again just before the IGeLU Annual Conference – this time on a Saturday in lovely Haifa. Representatives of the National User Groups (NUGs) will meet with each other, the Steering Committee, and the Product and Special Interest Working Group Coordinators, where feedback will be […]
Aleph enhancement requests database open
IGeLU and ELUNA coordinate our enhancement voting cycles using the new cooperative enhancement request system, NERS. Thus, IGeLU will no longer use the old ICAU system. Members of IGeLU and ELUNA submit requests into NERS and the requests will be votable to both organizations, regardless of where the idea came from. IGeLU and ELUNA will […]
Conference program announced
We’re very pleased to announce the full program for the IGeLU 2011 conference in Haifa – available here. With over 50 sessions across the 3 days, covering strategic and operational concerns across all the main Ex Libris products, and with two keynotes from prominent figures within the world of library automation, we think you’ll find […]
IGeLU 2011, Haifa
Thanks to a tremendous response by colleagues from around the world, we now have an excellent programme of user presentations and posters to inspire you at the IGeLU conference in Haifa in September. Presentation topics include: Enhancing collection management and technical processes Providing improved, unified search experiences for users in supporting e-research Experiences of implementing […]
Haifa 2011 keynotes
Alongside our member’s presentations we are happy to announce that we have two prominent keynoters at the coming IGeLU conference in Haifa. The event will be opened by Marshall Breeding, Director for Innovative Technologies and Research at Vanderbilt University , who will be providing his view of the changing landscape of library technologies in a […]
Steering Committee visits Ex Libris Headquarters
In February 2010 the Steering Committee visited Haifa, as part of our planning for the summer conference, to view the venue and meet with the enthusiastic local organizing committee. While we were in Israel we took the opportunity to visit the Ex Libris headquarters in Jerusalem to meet with the management team, and various other […]
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ELUNA Annual Conference, Milwaukee, May 2011
Over 400 delegates from more than 30 countries descended upon Milwaukee, town of beer, cheese and sausages on windswept Lake Michigan, in May for this year’s ELUNA annual conference. The hidden theme of a well-organised and informative conference was Transition, moving from old to new systems while managing the changeover process to reflect the changes […]
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Alma developers visit European libraries
During the Spring meeting between the IGeLU Steering Committee and Ex Libris management, IGeLU proposed that Ex Libris send some of their Alma developers to visit IGeLU member libraries, in order to experience the variety of workflows that different institutions use . The aim was to give developers a direct experience of the work their […]
IGeLU expanding into Asia
We are very pleased that we now have 4 Asian IGeLU members, after a recruitment drive to include more of our Asian colleagues in our “world-wide” family. We have also made contact with the Chinese and Korean National User Groups, both of which are very active in their countries. In addition to Yonsei University Library […]