Hello everyone,
The first round of the 2024 Rialto enhancements voting cycle will begin at 00:00:01 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) on April 15 and end at 23:59:59 UTC on May 3.
Log into NERS to see the complete enhancement request and attachments and to submit your votes.
Some things to note:
- Each institution has 50 votes and can put as many of those votes as desired on their selections.
- From long experience, it is safe to say that scattering your votes among many enhancements is not a successful strategy as that means none of them float to the top of the list.
- It is more successful to find a few highly important enhancements and to batch your votes on those.
- An institution must be a member of IGELU or ELUNA to vote.
- All voting institutions must have signed a Rialto contract with Ex Libris.
- If an institution doesn’t know their institutional login to NERS (ners.igelu.org) DO NOT WAIT to request a login. It can take several days for the response to come through and the voting window might have closed.
- Each institution must have one assigned person to cast their 50 votes.
- Once voting ends, there will be no extension. So be sure to get the votes in on time.
A big thank you to the Rialto Joint PWG and its functional subgroups for all the hard work they put into reviewing and validating the enhancements. This work was vital in making the process run smoothly and on time.
As always, please let me know if you have questions.
Happy voting!
Voting Period, Eligibility, and Instructions
Voting is open from April 15 through May 3.
Any active member institution can participate in the product vote.
To vote:
- Log in to NERS (New Enhancements Request System): https://ners.igelu.org, using your institution’s IGeLU or ELUNA ID and password
- On the Home section, choose Rialto Enhancements 2024, add votes to requests, and then Submit Votes
- The display will update to show your submitted votes, for example 10 of 50 votes submitted. You can change your votes and re-submit up to the point of the ballot being closed.
Please contact Ian Hey ihey@uclan.ac.uk and Jennifer Matthews matthewsj@rowan.edu
Rialto Working Group Coordinators with any questions