The last six months have been busy for the IGeLU Primo/Metalib Working Group. We are very happy to have had the NERS enhancement process concluded in an orderly and timely manner this year, with a total of five top-winners accepted for development by ExLibris. (See for details.) Enhancement lead Bettina Kaldenberg and the rest […]
Rosetta Working Group Update:
Rosetta version 6.1 was released in July and 6.2 is expected in December. An updated version of the Format Library (6.0095 ) was in September, this corrected an earlier release so customers are advised to install the updated version. Enhancement ideas for 6.3 are being worked on at present, they are due for submission to […]
IGeLU Chair Update by Dave Allen
IGeLU 2019 Conference: I would like to thank everyone for making the IGeLU 2019 Conference a success. This was the first conference that we have held outside of Europe and Israel. Based on this success we plan on holding another IGeLU conference in Asia soon. IGeLU 2019 Conference Feedback: We are currently reviewing the feedback […]
IGeLU Member(s) Spotlight: Laura Morse and Betsy Friesen
Tell us your names, titles, and more about your history with Ex Libris Products. My name is Betsy Friesen, Director of Data Management & Access (read metadata and systems) at the University of Minnesota. We climbed aboard the Aleph train, going live in July 2002, a week sooner than Harvard. We were development partners for […]
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Primo Working Group elections
The IGeLU Primo Working Group has three open positions, and our call for volunteers has resulted in five highly qualified candidates willing to run in a public election. Paul Harding, University of York, UK Gaith Bader, Unversity of Sydney, Australia Indira Bermudez Aguilar, International Labour Organization, Switzerland Noémie Ammann, ETH Library, Zürich, Switzerland Ryan Edwards, […]
IGeLU 2020 Conference
[supsystic-slider id=2] IGeLU is pleased to announce that the IGeLU 2020 Conference will be held in Cardiff, Wales from the 14th to the 17th September 2020. Our hosts will be WHELF (Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum). Looking forward to seeing you all in Wales in 2020! […]
Join the Primo Working Group
The IGeLU Primo Working Group is looking to expand its membership with 2-3 persons. If you would like to get involved in this kind of community work, please consider this opportunity.The Primo WG co-operates with ExLibris in developing new services and functionality for the Primo discovery solutions. The group covers both Primo and Primo VE. You can […]
IGeLU 2019 INUG Meeting Information
Information on the INUG meeting at IGeLU 2019 can be found here […]
Budget reports to be approved by the 2019 Assembly of Members
The Budget reports to be approved by the 2019 Assembly of Members are located here […]
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