New CWG members: By the end of 2018, the Content WG was looking for volunteers for a new 2-year term with Summon, PCI, 360 services, Alma, and/or SFX experience. We have been happy to welcome the following new members whose input has already been valuable for the community in the first weeks of their term: […]
Analytics Working Group Updates
A sub-group from the Analytics Working Group is meeting monthly with Yoel Kortick and other Ex Libris staff to discuss: 1) the issues documented in the evidence documents for Alma, Primo and Leganto and 2) other pressing issues in Analytics. After an issue addressed in the evidence documents is discussed with Ex Libris an article […]
14th IGeLU Annual Conference – update from the IGeLU chair, Dave Allen
Notes from the conference chair: The IGeLU Steering Committee had our mid-year face-to-face meeting in Singapore at the beginning of March. As part of the meeting, we met with Ex Libris senior management to discuss various issues impacting our community. In addition, we also had the opportunity to ‘check out’ the Singapore venues and meet […]
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IGeLU member in spotlight
IGeLU member spotlight: Tell us your name, title and some more about Singapore Management University (SMU). My name is Shameem Nilofar and I am the Head of Information Access and Resources at Singapore Management University (SMU) Libraries. SMU is a relatively young institution and was established in the year 2001. Home to around 10,000 undergraduates […]
Code of Conduct and Response Framework
IGeLU seeks to provide an inclusive, collaborative, caring, and respectful community environment for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, language spoken, national origin, and/or religion. We are committed to diversity and free expression of ideas, and creating a conference in which participants feel welcome to learn and exchange ideas […]
New User Group – GUAL
Ex Libris User Group of Latin America (GUAL) A new regional user group is starting in Latin America: GUAL. It will be the community of Ex Libris users in North, Center and South America in Spanish and Portuguese languages. The first regional online meeting is scheduled for April 24, it is expected to establish the […]
Singapore 2019 updates
Preparations for the 14th Annual IGeLU Conference to be held in Singapore are well underway. As is customary, the IGeLU Steering Committee held its Spring meeting at the Conference venue and set in train further arrangements for the Conference itself. The main programme will run from Monday 26th August to Thursday 29th August, with the […]
Farewell letter from previous IGeLU chair, Theo Engelman
Dear all, After more than 27 years my work and life at the Utrecht University Library ends. I recently applied for a new job at SURF, the collaborative organisation for ICT in Dutch education and research. This means I will no longer represent an Ex Libris customer and therefore my relation with IGeLU will end. […]
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Primo Enhancements voting is open!
The 2019 ballot for Primo enhancements is now open, and it closes on Sunday, April 21. There are 61 enhancement requests on the list this year, and they cover both Primo and Primo VE. Put your institution’s 100 votes in now! Learn more about the enhancements process on the Working Group’s dedicated page. […]
Primo VE Summit Report
In October 2018, 10 members of ELUNA and IGeLU Primo Working Groups worked with Ex Libris to study the VE flavour of Primo, for the Primo VE Summit. The initial outcome is the Primo VE Summit Report, which seeks to answer a number of questions for those institutions interested in Primo VE. It specifically was […]