2018 enhancements cycle update Submissions have recently closed for the 2018 enhancements cycle and are currently being reviewed by the enhancements team made up of members of the ELUNA and IGeLU Primo PWGs. Voting will open on the 14th April and close on 29th April. Full details of the timeline for the enhancement process are […]
Summon PWG – An update
Dear all, With the decision by ELUNA to split the current joint Summon WG, we need to form an new IGeLU Summon WG. We welcome your participation! IGeLU invites all of you to join the formation of the new IGeLU Summon WG, If you are willing to join the group, please respond to Theo Engelman (t.engelman@uu.nl) […]
Introducing a new member of the family – Rosetta PWG
The Rosetta Working Group has four sub groups that focus on different areas of the Rosetta system. These are 1. Format Library WG 2. Digital Preservation WG 3. Delivery and Integrations WG 4. System Operations WG Each group is currently identifying and prioritising future enhancement requests to send through to Ex Libris. In addition to […]
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Voyager PWG – An update
We are now in our second round of enhancement voting for Voyager, release 11. The second round of voting serves to establish the priorities of up to twenty of the highest-ranked enhancements which were submitted to Voyager Development last December. Voyager Development has now assigned complexity points to the top seventeen enhancements as approximate estimates […]
Linked Open Data SIWG – An update
The Linked Open Data Working Body bids a fond farewell to Deputy Coordinator Roxana Popistasu, who is now focusing on other things in her role as Digital Preservation Coordinator at National Library of Luxembourg. Working Body member Xiaoli Li, Head of Cataloging, University of California, Davis has agreed to step up to the Deputy Coordinator […]
Analytics SIWG – An update
The evidence documents compiled by the Analytics SIWG detailing issues in Alma, Primo and Leganto Analytics have been sent to Ex Libris for an initial review. The purpose of this initial review is to ensure accuracy and to avoid possible misunderstandings related to existing functionality. Ex Libris will have until the end of February for […]
Introducing IGeLU 2018 in Prague
We are very happy to invite you to the 13th IGeLU Conference that will be hosted by the Czech National Library of Technology in Prague from August 20-23. The conference website is available here : http://igelu2018.cz The Czech National Library of Technology Our host, The National Library of Technology in Prague originated in 1718 as a […]
Looking back @ IGELU 2017
From September 8 to 15 St. Petersburg was crowded with many people coming to the 13th IGeLU conference hosted by the National Library of Russia. The conference was attended by 400 participants coming from 38 countries worldwide, among them about 60 Ex Libris staff. More than 25%, 120 attendees, visited the conference for the first […]
IGeLU 2017 Delegates Feedback
We had another successful conference in St Petersburg, Russia. We received a lot of positive feedback on the conference, the presentations and the hospitality of our host – The National Library of Russia. The IGeLU Steering Committee would like to thank the IGeLU Program Planning Committee, the presenters and the delegates for making this conference […]
Looking forward to IGeLU 2018 in Prague
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the next IGeLU conference in Prague scheduled for 20th to 23rd August 2018. Conference planning preparations are well under way and we expect to make announcements about the venue, programme, Developers’ Day and social activities earlier than usual this time, […]