
What is happening with NERS?

NERS, the New Enhancements Request System, has been up and running for over a year now and has supported software enhancement processes for Digitool, Primo, and Aleph, and multiple rounds of CKB enhancements voting for SFX and MetaLib.  The NERS team has been collecting feedback for the system over the past year.  While the system […]

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SFX PWG update

The SFX Product Working Group has been busy at work this year.  Our biggest achievement has been co-managing the ongoing CKB enhancement request process with ELUNA.  To date, we have initiated 5 voting cycles and over 30 resources have been submitted to Ex Libris for consideration.  11, including 3 regional resource, have been implemented in […]

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Voyager PWG update

The Voyager 8.0 combined Collaborative Testing and Field Testing has begun and will last through early June 2011. Nine customers are participating, and have reported that the testing is going well.  Of those nine libraries, three are members of IGeLU, three are members of ELUNA, and three are members of both User Groups, and the […]

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Aleph PWG update

Mike Ryan, Aleph PWG Coordinator, met at the ELUNA conference in early May, with the ELUNA PWG and Mark Dehmlow to continue NERS discussions.  IGeLU and ELUNA will have simultaneous enhancement voting processes on NERS beginning this fall.  We anticipate that we will be ready to begin accepting new Aleph enhancement requests in NERS within […]

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Primo PWG update

The Primo Product Working Group met for their annual face to face meeting at the British Library in London on 24th March. The agenda focussed mainly on the enhancement voting on NERS as the first round of this completed on 21st March. Jiri Kende attended the meeting in the place of Pat Busby, the IGeLU […]

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Developer meets developer: Chicago 2011

Ever wondered what happens at a ‘developer meets developer’ meeting? I have been inspired by presentations from past meetings on EL Commons and wanted to find out more. So this year I packed a few Strathclyde developments into my suitcase, put on my best techie shoes, and headed off to Chicago for the Voyager developer […]

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Alma Focus Group finishes its work

With Alma development reaching its final phase, the work of the Alma Focus Group has completed its work in contributing to the design phase of the new system. Over 80 participants from our member institutions took part in the various Alma Focus groups on Acquisition, Fulfillment and Metadata management which were later united into a […]

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Haifa submissions

We have had a tremendous response to our call for user presentations and posters for the 2011 IGeLU Conference – we can safely say that we’ll have a very good programme for you to experience in Haifa in September. Many thanks to the presenters! Due to the enthusiastic response to our call we have filled […]

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Haifa 2011 registration now open

We are happy to announce that the registration for the 6th IGeLU Conference in Haifa is open at http://2011.igelu.org/ We invite you all to come to our Annual IGeLU conference at Haifa University where you can spend 3 exciting days networking with your colleagues from around the world and discussing issues of interest with developers […]

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Metadata petition for content discovery

The user groups IGeLU and ELUNA (Ex Libris Users of North America) are gathering signatures on a petition which we intend to present to EBSCO, and other content providers. We’re requesting their support for consolidated indexes such as Primo Central as the basis for comprehensive resource discovery platforms. We believe this would be of enormous […]

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