
Call for presentations, Haifa 2011 – deadline extended to 31st May

Call for Presentations and Posters, 2011 IGeLU Conference, Haifa One of the great benefits of annual conference attendance is the sharing of user experiences among the membership, generating ideas and learning innovative practices. User presentations contribute significantly to this, and create a program that is more than just about Ex Libris products – it’s about […]

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MetaLib CKB resources voting

Two MetaLib CKB voting snapshots have now been carried out in NERS.  At the end of each snapshot the top rated 4 global resources and 2 regional resources are presented to Ex Libris. MetaLib CKB voting snapshots are scheduled to be done at approximately two-monthly intervals, but the most recent snapshot was postponed pending handover […]

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Verde and SFX publishing and harvesting

Within the last few weeks Ex Libris has launched the new SFX 4.1/Verde publishing and harvesting process. Beside the new publishing and harvesting process this Verde update includes some smaller enhancements and bug fixes. The Verde Product Working Group are very interested to hear customer reports about this new interoperability – not just about the […]

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Enhancement planning: Primo and Digitool on the horizon

Planning for an enhancement cycle for both Primo and Digitool are now in progress: Primo The Primo PWG Enhancement group (Naomi Greidinger, Christian Haenger and Ole Holm) have been working on the de-duping and clarification of a long list of enhancements for Primo which have been extracted from the Pivotal system by Jorgen Madsen, Primo […]

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Aleph enhancements – migrating to NERS

The Aleph 2011 enhancement voting has finished. The Aleph PWG module coordinators will next review, comment upon and approve development specifications for each enhancement, as they are received from Ex Libris.  In the next months we can expect to get 15 sets of specs for our 2010 and 2011 voting cycles. However we are already […]

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From URM to Ex Libris Alma

Following the URM Focus Group sessions in September and October 2010 concerning the URM conceptual design, a series of recordings of Partner Release (drop) 2 of the URM – newly named Ex Libris Alma – was made available to the members of the Focus Group. Alongside the overview on general concepts that apply to all […]

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Steering Committee Meetings in Haifa and Jerusalem

The Steering Committee traditionally holds its mid-conference business meetings at the venue of the next conference – allowing us to review the conference venue and discuss conference organisation with the local organising committee. Therefore this year, at the end of February, the Steering Committee will hold its meeting in Haifa, Israel. Being so near to […]

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IGeLU conference 2012 – IGeLU needs you!

The location of the 7th IGeLU Annual meeting is still open, and we invite all member institutions to consider hosting of our meeting in 2012!  Hosting of the IGeLU conference provides great publicity for your institution, gives many staff members from your and from your partner institutions in your country, the opportunity to take part […]

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Voyager voting – the results are in

Between October 27 and November 19, the Voyager Product Working Groups for IGeLU and ELUNA presented an enhancements election for a future minor release of Voyager, version 8.2.The NERS system was used for the balloting process. The enhancement ballot contained 143 items covering each Voyager client and most of the extension products. In total 83 […]

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