Because of intermittent problems that some sites have had this week with accessing the voting database, the deadline for the final round of Aleph 21 enhancements has been extended. You now have until January 13 to cast your votes. If you haven’t already taken a moment to make your voice heard please do so as […]
Collaborative testing for Voyager 8

Volunteers needed! The IGeLU Voyager Product Working Group is seeking nominations/volunteers to take part in the collaborative testing of the Voyager 8.0 release on behalf of the Voyager user community. Collaborative testing provides an opportunity for customers to test new releases of the Voyager software, working closely with Ex Libris staff to identify critical issues […]
Aleph voting – final round
The final round of this year’s voting on the enhancements for Aleph is now open. This is a little later than planned – the delay having being caused by the work involved in discussion, clarification, assessment and allocation of points, by ourselves and Ex Libris. The voting will remain open through January 7, 2011 in […]
INUG 2010
The 2010 INUG meeting took place on 29 August, and was attended by 46 people, representing 22 countries. The meeting discussed how communication between the National User Groups and IGeLU could be improved in order to keep NUG’s involved in and abreast of IGeLU and Ex Libris discussions; strengthen the support IGeLU could provide NUG’s; […]
New website

Notice anything different? The IGeLU website has been redesigned, based on the feedback you gave us in August 2010. We’ve moved onto a WordPress platform to make it easier for us to manage – and we’ve restructured, reorganised, and in a lot of cases rewritten the content, to make it easier for you to navigate. […]
Goodbye Ghent, Hello Haifa

It was a real pleasure to see so many of you at the 2010 IGeLU conference in Ghent, Belgium, and we hope you found it a useful, interesting, and enjoyable experience. Our thanks go, once again, to our hosts at the Library of the University of Ghent, who put so much work into making us […]
Voyager enhancements

The Voyager v8.2 enhancement cycle started on 27th October 2010, and will run through to 19th November 2010. This is the first proper Voyager enhancement cycle for some time, so please do take this opportunity to make your voice heard! IGeLU and ELUNA Product Working Groups have built a ballot from requests submitted to Pivotal, […]
Pivotal moment for Primo
Since the IGeLU Conference in Ghent, the focus of the Primo PWG has been on getting the Primo enhancements data from Pivotal so that the group can work with the ELUNA Primo PWG to clarify and de-duplicate the list. Once this work is completed the reduced list can then be loaded into NERS so that […]
Primo Service for MetaLib customers
As most customers should now be aware, Primo Central is available to Primo customers right now, and will become available to non-Primo MetaLib customers by way of a registration wizard in MetaLib 4.4 – just released. However during the meeting in Ghent Ex Libris announced that that a new Primo Service will be available for […]
MetaLib CKB results
The first MetaLib CKB voting using the IGeLU and ELUNA NERS system was held between Monday 30th August and Monday 4th October. All IGeLU and ELUNA members were eligible to vote, and during the process 18 different member institutions from 9 different regions entered 59 different resource requests. The results of the voting were: SciFinder […]