It’s fresh and it’s better!
We are very proud and happy to announce the new Product Development Collaboration Agreement to better align with institutional priorities and Ex Libris product offerings.
The IGeLU and ELUNA Steering Committees and Ex Libris have collaborated in reviewing and updating both prior agreements on Product Development Collaboration and Central Knowledge Bases resources additions.
The major changes in the revised Agreement include:
- moving Aleph to a joint ELUNA/IGeLU voting cycle
- formalizing development capacity for user enhancements across all products (except DigiTool, Rosetta, Ustat, and Verde)
- introducing an Alma enhancement process
- determining the enhancement cycle schedule for products
- updating the Central Knowledge Bases enhancement agreements
- defining the Primo Central Index enhancement process and a redesigned Primo software enhancement process
Starting 2015
The new agreement will take effect starting January 2015. The dates for individual enhancement processes are yet to be determined. The Product Working Group coordinators and Ex Libris Product Managers need to talk and fix the 2015 dates for each product. These dates will differ from product to product as the development cycles are different, see agreements for more details.
It’s an improvement
By updating both prior Agreements into one coherent Agreement and streamlining the various user enhancements procedures for all products, we believe to have made a significant step forward ensuring the input and leverage of the customer community on the development and enhancement of Ex Libris products.
With this agreement the community can decide which concrete new functions are developed and Ex Libris opens a fixed part of the company development capacity to fulfill these expressed needs of the community, thus improving the usability and functionality for our daily work.
We hope you value this milestone as much as we do.
Please note
The new agreement supersedes the prior Product Development Collaboration Agreement between Ex Libris, IGeLU, and ELUNA from 2008, the Agreement on procedure for additions of resources to the Ex Libris Knowledge Bases between Ex Libris, IGeLU, and ELUNA from 2011, and the prior IGeLU Aleph process.
The new agreement is available for you on our website on a members only page [Read it].
Jirka Kende, IGeLU Chair
John Greer, ELUNA Chair