The ELUNA and IGeLU Aleph Product Working Groups are pleased to announce that the first round of enhancement voting will begin on Oct. 15. Voting will close on Nov. 1. Each institution will be able to apply 100 points to as many requests as desired. The developments will be included in Aleph in 2012, see […]
Category: Enhancements
Aleph enhancement requests database open
IGeLU and ELUNA coordinate our enhancement voting cycles using the new cooperative enhancement request system, NERS. Thus, IGeLU will no longer use the old ICAU system. Members of IGeLU and ELUNA submit requests into NERS and the requests will be votable to both organizations, regardless of where the idea came from. IGeLU and ELUNA will […]
What is happening with NERS?
NERS, the New Enhancements Request System, has been up and running for over a year now and has supported software enhancement processes for Digitool, Primo, and Aleph, and multiple rounds of CKB enhancements voting for SFX and MetaLib. The NERS team has been collecting feedback for the system over the past year. While the system […]
Enhancement planning: Primo and Digitool on the horizon
Planning for an enhancement cycle for both Primo and Digitool are now in progress: Primo The Primo PWG Enhancement group (Naomi Greidinger, Christian Haenger and Ole Holm) have been working on the de-duping and clarification of a long list of enhancements for Primo which have been extracted from the Pivotal system by Jorgen Madsen, Primo […]
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Aleph enhancements – migrating to NERS
The Aleph 2011 enhancement voting has finished. The Aleph PWG module coordinators will next review, comment upon and approve development specifications for each enhancement, as they are received from Ex Libris. In the next months we can expect to get 15 sets of specs for our 2010 and 2011 voting cycles. However we are already […]
Voyager voting – the results are in
Between October 27 and November 19, the Voyager Product Working Groups for IGeLU and ELUNA presented an enhancements election for a future minor release of Voyager, version 8.2.The NERS system was used for the balloting process. The enhancement ballot contained 143 items covering each Voyager client and most of the extension products. In total 83 […]
Aleph voting – extended until January 13th
Because of intermittent problems that some sites have had this week with accessing the voting database, the deadline for the final round of Aleph 21 enhancements has been extended. You now have until January 13 to cast your votes. If you haven’t already taken a moment to make your voice heard please do so as […]
Aleph voting – final round
The final round of this year’s voting on the enhancements for Aleph is now open. This is a little later than planned – the delay having being caused by the work involved in discussion, clarification, assessment and allocation of points, by ourselves and Ex Libris. The voting will remain open through January 7, 2011 in […]
Voyager enhancements

The Voyager v8.2 enhancement cycle started on 27th October 2010, and will run through to 19th November 2010. This is the first proper Voyager enhancement cycle for some time, so please do take this opportunity to make your voice heard! IGeLU and ELUNA Product Working Groups have built a ballot from requests submitted to Pivotal, […]
Pivotal moment for Primo
Since the IGeLU Conference in Ghent, the focus of the Primo PWG has been on getting the Primo enhancements data from Pivotal so that the group can work with the ELUNA Primo PWG to clarify and de-duplicate the list. Once this work is completed the reduced list can then be loaded into NERS so that […]