From September 8 to 15 St. Petersburg was crowded with many people coming to the 13th IGeLU conference hosted by the National Library of Russia. The conference was attended by 400 participants coming from 38 countries worldwide, among them about 60 Ex Libris staff. More than 25%, 120 attendees, visited the conference for the first […]
IGeLU 2017 Delegates Feedback
We had another successful conference in St Petersburg, Russia. We received a lot of positive feedback on the conference, the presentations and the hospitality of our host – The National Library of Russia. The IGeLU Steering Committee would like to thank the IGeLU Program Planning Committee, the presenters and the delegates for making this conference […]
Looking forward to IGeLU 2018 in Prague
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the next IGeLU conference in Prague scheduled for 20th to 23rd August 2018. Conference planning preparations are well under way and we expect to make announcements about the venue, programme, Developers’ Day and social activities earlier than usual this time, […]
Introducing newly elected SC Member – Dr. Christian Haenger
Tell us a bit about yourself ? I work as a director of library systems and digitization at Mannheim University Library/ Germany. Link: Mannheim University has an high reputation for Economics and Social Sciences and is located in a beautiful Baroque Castle. The university library uses Alma and Primo and has been an early […]
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Introducing newly elected SC Member – Ken Herold
Tell us a bit about yourself ? I am an associate dean of libraries for Adelphi University just outside New York City. Link: My areas cover the traditional technical services plus systems, budget, and digital initiatives. Adelphi has about 8000 students in liberal studies, sciences, public health, education, nursing, business, and social work. We have Summon […]
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More Content? Better Content?
Ex Libris Content team is continuously working on improving the quality of their KnowledgeBases (SFX KB, 360 KB, Alma CZ) and indexes (Primo Central, Summon). And the customers’ feedback matters to Ex Libris! So, don’t hesitate to use the different existing channels to improve KBs and indexes. Idea Exchange Content forum Use Idea Exchange […]
Primo/Metalib Updates
New coordinator & personnel changes Andy MacKinnon (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford) has recently taken on the role of Co-ordinator of the Primo/Metalib PWG, succeeding Dr Christian Haenger (Mannheim University) who was elected to the IGeLU Steering Committee at the St Petersburg conference. Knut Bøckman (Royal Library, Denmark) has stepped up to take on the […]
Voyager PWG Updates
Introducing New Members: This was a year of almost all new members for the Voyager Working Group. New members of the Voyager Work Group are: Steve Pellow, Falmouth University, Suzanne Picken, Washington Research Library Consortium, Suzanne Sprague, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Antonella Ward, Angelo State University. Special thank you to last year’s members who rotated […]
Leganto at Curtin University
Curtin University’s Reading Lists implementation team was nominated for the 2017 Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Awards for Professional Staff in the Excellence in Innovation category. L – R: Stella Kenworthy, David Wells, Linda Sheedy (team leader), Gordon Cunningham, Heather McLenaghan, Daniel Piczak, Amanda Bellenger, Gail Valencia, Sarah Casewell. Absent: David Lewis, Aron Nooteboom. Curtin’s Leganto implementation […]
Future locations for Annual IGELU Conference – We need your inputs
Dear Readers, We would like to seek your feedback on possible future locations for hosting IGeLU conferences. Please provide your feedback in the google form below. This will help us with our planning activities. Loading… […]
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