Ex Libris support cases IGeLU has recently received feedback from members indicating disagreement and dissatisfaction with the assessment by Ex Libris support of cases opened by customers. The main complaint is about cases where the customer regards a problem as a being a defect or missing essential functionality but instead the case is being classified […]
Customer Knowledge Centre
Ex Libris Customer Knowledge Center Update Early November Ex Libris gave the IGeLU and ELUNA SC an update on the Ex Libris Customer Knowledge Center The Ex Libris Customer Knowledge Center (CKC), accessible without any limit has all kinds of content types: Product Documentation Training Knowledge Articles Release Notes Product Materials Implementation Guides Since September […]
Updates from Analytics SIWG
John Krug will be leaving Lancaster University in the next few months and has stepped down as the Analytics SIWG chair. Margaret Briand Wolfe from Boston College has stepped into the chair role and Joan Kolarik from the Weizmann Institute of Science has taken over the co-chair role. The group has just finished up going […]
Updates from Linked Open Data SIWG
The Linked Open Special Interest Working Group has recently recruited new volunteers and identified new leadership for our Working Body. Laura Akerman will be replacing Corey Harper as Coordinator, and Roxana Popistaşu will be stepping into Laura’s Deputy role. We are also adding a number of new volunteers to our Working Body roster. The SIWG […]
Updates from KBAB SIWG
Ex Libris is working on the unification of Primo Central and Summon data. A part of the work consists in a new classification for resource types in the new index. There are currently 95 Summon resource types and 24 resource types for Primo Central Index. KBAB and other libraries have been discussing this with […]
Updates from Leganto PWG
IGeLU Leganto Product Working Group activities Andrew Preator, Imperial College London, has joined IGeLU Leganto Product Working Group. Welcome Andrew! There was strong interest and a positive response to Leganto presentations and product update at IGeLU 2016 conference in September. See IGeLU website https://igelu.org/conferences/2016-trondheim for a link to presentations, including Andrew’s presentation on Membership of […]
Updates from Primo PWG
Primo PWG News in Brief Primo Software Ballot 2015 and 2016 The final enhancement list resulting from the Primo software ballot 2015 has been published: https://igelu.org/products/primo/primo-enhancements . The IGeLU and ELUNA PWGs will not conduct a software ballot in 2016. We will wait for the first customers to go live with new UI and […]
Updates from Alma PWG
The Alma PWG continues working the Alma community and Ex Libris. Some highlights of what we’re working on lately follow. Enhancement process There are over 500 enhancements for Alma in NERS. That’s far too many for users or the PWG enhancement groups to go through each year. Many are no longer valid and some […]
Primo New UI Hackathon/Virtual Conference: Dec.12 – Dec16
The new user interface for Ex Libris’ discovery product, Primo, is a direct result of a product enhancement request by customers in 2014-2015. The initiative represents one of the most productive product collaborations to date between the ELUNA/IGeLU User groups, the user community at large and the vendor Ex Libris. In order to learn to […]
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IGeLU 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia

We are very happy to announce that the 12th IGeLU conference in September 2017 will be hosted by The National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia. The conference website is online! http://igelu2017.nlr.ru/ St. Petersburg (formerly known as Leningrad) is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It has a very historic center and […]