WHAT NERS DOES FOR YOU IGeLU, ELUNA and Ex Libris have a Product Development Collaboration Agreement, where Ex Libris has a commitment to develop the top voted enhancement requests from customers. The NERS system and underlying Product Development Collaboration Agreement give ELUNA and IGeLU members the benefit to prioritize customer enhancement requests using the voting […]
A Walk down Memory lane
IGeLU 2015 at Budapest marked the last year of Jirka Kende’s term as IGeLU Chair. In appreciation of all his various efforts in building a strong user community, the following song was played during the farewell , beautifully organized by the various members of the IGeLU community. Below is a reproduction of that song as […]
New Kids on the IGeLU Block
The new business unit – ExLibris, A ProQuest Company, formed due to the acquisition of ExLibris by ProQuest, resulted in an expanded portfolio of library solutions that now includes Intota, the Summon service, 360 Link® and SIPX®, in addition to Alma, Aleph®, the bX™ recommender, Primo®, Rosetta, SFX®, Voyager®, and the newly launched Leganto reading-list […]
Interoperability SIWG Revised Key Goals
When the Interoperability SIWG started their work in 2013, a number of key goals and focus issues were formulated. Since then a number of these goals have been reached or have become obsolete. The time was right for a revision of the initial list. The result is a new consolidated list of five comprehensive goals […]
Notes from the IGELU SC Meetings in Trondheim
Every year, prior to the conference, the IGELU Steering Committee, makes a visit to the upcoming conference host city & venue to meet with the local conference organizing committee. The Steering Committee also uses this opportunity to meet up with senior executives from ExLibris to discuss important issues related to the user community, as well […]
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Notes from the BIBSYS Conference
The BIBSYS Conference was held in Trondheim, Norway, on the 15th and 16th of March. 393 participants from the BIBSYS Consortia participated at the Conference, which is hosted by BIBSYS each year. This year the program was colored by the implementation of Alma for the libraries in the BIBSYS Consortium. Matti Shem-Tov, CEO Ex Libris, […]
New IGeLU Chair elected in Budapest
After 9 years, IGeLU elected a new Chair, during its last conference in Budapest – Theo Engelman from Utrecht university, Netherlands. Theo has been on the Steering Committee of IGeLU for 3 years and was mainly responsible for the technological infrastructure of IGeLU – administrating the website, the WebEx meetings and the archives on Google […]
A warm welcome to ProQuest customers
IGeLU is pleased to embrace the extension of our community by many international institutions that use ProQuest Workflow Solutions products. The recent acquisition of Ex Libris by ProQuest has resulted in a move of products such as Summon, 360 solutions, Intota and SIPx to the portfolio of Ex Libris. As a consequence all customers using […]
Conference planning – IGeLU 2016
Preparations for IGeLU 2016 in Trondheim, Norway are already in motion. The conference web site is under construction and will be available in the following months. The conference venue has been reserved for the event. More information on the venue can be found here: https://www.nordicchoicehotels.com/clarion/clarion-hotel-trondheim/ The conference website we will offer additional alternatives for accommodation. […]