
Elections and personnel news

At Haifa we said goodbye to Pat Busby, who has completed her term on the Steering Committee. Her contributions to IGeLU will be sorely missed. With her departure two of the IGeLU Steering Committee positions came up for election by the Assembly of Members. After the votes were counted Peter Klien (Austrian Library Network) was […]

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Haifa survey

Thanks to everyone who attended the IGeLU 2011 conference in Haifa, it was wonderful to see so many faces – you made it a great event. News and updates from the conference will follow shortly, and we’re working hard right now to gather together all the presentations so that we can make them available for […]

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See you in Haifa!

Hosted by Haifa University, events at our annual conference kick off with an opening reception on the evening of 11th September, on the beach below this beautiful city. The agenda is packed: there are lots of breakout sessions about user experiences and developments, with over 60 individual speakers and presenters; plenary sessions on the road maps and […]

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Ex Libris Q&A

As is now traditional at the annual conference, several Q&A (Question and Answer) sessions will be taking place with Ex Libris product managers and executives at the Haifa meeting in September. General questions intended for the Ex Libris Board of Management will be presented in the General Q&A plenary on Tuesday, September 13, while product-specific […]

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Ex Libris Q&A

As is now traditional at the annual conference, several Q&A (Question and Answer) sessions will be taking place with Ex Libris product managers and executives at the Haifa meeting in September. General questions intended for the Ex Libris Board of Management will be presented in the General Q&A plenary on Tuesday, September 13, while product-specific […]

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Primo and MetaLib PWGs: a meeting of minds?

The Primo and Metalib PWGs are proposing that the relationship between them be discussed as an important item at a joint meeting of our two PWGs in Haifa (Session 13.1) this September. There are significant drivers that press for a consideration of the relationship between the two Groups: ●     the Primo Central Index (PCI) and […]

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Steering Committee elections & proxy voting

All IGeLU members have the opportunity to actively participate in and influence the decision-making process of the association, including the right to participate in the Assembly of Members; to approve or disapprove decisions about projects and activities; to define the aims of the association; to approve the budget; to approve amendments to the constitution; to […]

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Steering Committee elections & proxy voting

All IGeLU members have the opportunity to actively participate in and influence the decision-making process of the association, including the right to participate in the Assembly of Members; to approve or disapprove decisions about projects and activities; to define the aims of the association; to approve the budget; to approve amendments to the constitution; to […]

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Voyager PWG news

Voyager 8 Voyager 8.0.0 went into general release 14 July, 2011 after being field tested by 8 partner libraries. As a result of the partner testing, 3 software enhancements were added to the release, 68 defects were submitted and fixed, and 18 documentation enhancements were made before the release. The Voyager 8.0.0 Collaborative and Field […]

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