
Meetings with Ex Libris management and the ETH team

The IGeLU Steering Committee meets in person once a year between conferences, and so in March the Committee met in Switzerland, to discuss outstanding issues and to meet with the local organisers of the Zurich conference. The meeting was generously hosted by our colleagues from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in the […]

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Steps forward for Linked Open Data

The recently formed IGeLU Linked Open Data SIWG recently published its ‘Manifesto for Linked Open Data in Ex Libris Products’ in which it describes its objectives and strategy. However one of the key goals – “establish working relationships with Ex Libris strategic and product management” – has already been achieved. Ex Libris has now appointed […]

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Aleph PWG update

The 2012 enhancement voting cycle was completed successfully on March 21st, and as a result six enhancements were forwarded to Ex Libris for development. We anticipate the most, if not all, of these enhancements will be included in a December 2012 service pack. The final enhancement descriptions are posted elsewhere on the website. This was […]

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Voyager PWG update

The enhancement ballot for Voyager 9.0 closed at the end of March, with over 6,600 votes recorded – a really positive outcome that allowed Voyager customers to express their priorities for development. The IGeLU PWG have worked closely with our counterparts in ELUNA to analyse the results and put forward recommendations for the top 20 […]

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SFX PWG update

The SFX Product Working Group met in Zurich last month to discuss priorities and focus for the PWG for the year.  While conference planning is always a constant activity, we identified a couple of additional areas to work on.  This year we will continue the ongoing KB and software enhancements voting processes – the KB […]

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Primo/MetaLib PWG update

Both Primo and MetaLib Product Working Groups have an annual tradition of meeting face to face once every year between conferences, often at the conference venue and usually during February or March. This gives an opportunity for far-flung PWG members to get to know each other and to make quality time for dealing with Group […]

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Call for presentations and posters – deadline extended to 15 May

One of the great benefits of IGeLU membership and annual conference attendance is the sharing of user experiences among the membership, generating ideas and learning innovative practices.  User presentations are a significant contribution and help create a programme that is more than just about Ex Libris products – it’s about how they are used and […]

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Voyager 9 voting now open

The IGeLU and ELUNA Voyager PWGs are pleased to announce that the enhancements election for Voyager 9.0 is now open.  Both Product Working Groups have built a ballot that represents numerous requests for all aspects of the Voyager system.   The number of options for election is extensive, and we strongly advise each member institution to […]

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Voyager 9 ballot

Voting on enhancement requests for Voyager 9 will take place in March 2012. Both the IGeLU and ELUNA Product Working Groups have built a ballot that represents numerous requests for all aspects of the Voyager system.  The number of options for election is extensive, though we believe we have presented those requests that best represent […]

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