
DigiTool and the path to Alma Digital

Last year’s Digitool enhancement request process has been concluded and formal feedback from Ex Libris has been sent to the user community. These enhancements are expected to be distributed as part of the quarterly service packs (along with those remaining from the previous enhancements list). At the last IGeLU Conference in Haifa, Ex Libris confirmed […]

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Weltklasse Zurich: SFX, MetaLib, Primo, NERS, and SC meetings

In March the Product Working Groups of SFX and MetaLib/Primo, along with members of the NERS team will be meeting in Zurich to discuss a number of open issues such as enhancement processes, NERS workflows, and the merger of the MetaLib and Primo PWGs. Some members of the Steering Committee will attend the meetings, and […]

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MetaLib/Primo PWG update

Preparations are in hand for the next round of voting, with the compilation of a set of outstanding Primo software enhancement requests in NERS. Submit your favourite requests to NERS for voting now! Two voting snapshots have been taken of MetaLib CKB enhancement requests since Haifa, and 8 global with 4 local resources have been submitted […]

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MetaLib Next Generation Advisory Group is wound up

The initial aim of the MetaLib Next Generation Advisory Group was to discuss the overall architecture of the MetaLib next generation, with a primary focus on the metasearch/federated search backend to improve MetaLib’s performance, also in the frame of Primo MetaSearch.   However in the meantime Ex Libris provided the MetaLib “current generation” with a […]

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Aleph PWG update

The Aleph PWG has been working to collect additional information on the 30 enhancement requests that received the highest vote totals in the October voting.  Each IGeLU request initiator was contacted, and the information collated and submitted to ExLibris for pointing. The final round of voting is scheduled for March 1st -15th 2012. Mike Ryan, […]

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National meetings in 2012

Zurich isn’t the only opportunity to meet your colleagues! As well as the annual IGeLU conference in September, many of the National user groups hold meetings throughout the year to exchange information and experiences in a national context. Some of the upcoming meetings are: January 26: France (ACEF) February 10: Australia (ANZREG) March 26: UK […]

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Zurich keynote

We are pleased to announce the keynote speaker for the 7th IGeLU conference in Zurich will be Dr. Paul Ayris, Director of UCL Library Services, President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) and member of the Ex Libris Expert Advisory Group for Open Data in the Alma Library Management Service. His paper is titled […]

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Linked Open Data SIWG started

A new IGeLU Special Interest Working Group has been launched: the Linked Open Data SIWG. Its objective is: To achieve essential linked open data features, as well as enhanced data-services functionality and APIs, in all Ex Libris products. The group needs volunteers – please contact Lukas Koster (l.koster {at} uva {dot} nl) for more information. […]

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Aleph enhancement voting – 1st round

The ELUNA and IGeLU Aleph Product Working Groups are pleased to announce that the first round of enhancement voting will begin on Oct. 15. Voting will close on Nov. 1. Each institution will be able to apply 100 points to as many requests as desired. The developments will be included in Aleph in 2012, see […]

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CKB agreement signed

During the conference in Haifa the representatives of Ex Libris, IGeLU and ELUNA finally signed the “Agreement on the procedure for additions of resources to the Ex Libris Knowledge Bases”. This agreement may not be snappily titled, but by confirming the process for getting resources added to the SFX/Verde/MetaLib Central Knowledge Bases it represents an […]

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