The preparations for the next IGeLU conference are well on the way. During its meeting in Berlin in March the Steering Committee visited the conference venue at the Free University Berlin and was impressed by the newly renovated Henry Ford Building, the centre of the university with its auditorium maximum with capacity of well over […]
Category: Community
Linked Open Data SIWG on the Move
Since the IGeLU 2012 conference in Zurich the Linked Open Data Special Interest Working Group has been very busy behind the scenes. Now is the time to come out in the open! What have we been up to? Our main activities were a direct outcome of the Zurich meeting with Ex Libris: revising the initial […]
News from Ners
This Spring we have been working on enhancing both the technology that supports the NERS system as well as the teams that provide support for the system. Active collaborative development on the system is under way and as our programmers become more familiar with the code structure, we should be ready soon to take user […]
News from the Rosetta User Group
The Rosetta User Group (RUG) was initiated on July 18, 2012, in Hanover, Germany. A significant part of the current Rosetta customers met to decide on how to organize their cooperation at present, taking into account that Rosetta is still a new product specifically designed to support organisations that have a mandate to ensure the […]
News from the Alma Product Working Group
The Alma Product Working Group members have been active in several areas, including program planning, web presence and documentation, and in soliciting participation from the wider Alma community. Our program chairs are diligently working to provide us with engaging programs at both ELUNA and IGeLU. We will have product updates and open product working group […]
News from the Primo/Metalib Product Working Group
OvP Additional Functionality Ballot In response to inquiries from both the IGeLU Primo/Metalib Product Work Group and the ELUNA Primo Product Working Group (PWG) concerning necessary improvements to the OPAC via Primo (OvP) functionality in Primo, Ex Libris management recognized the need for a one-time special enhancements voting process to identify the areas of concern […]
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News from the Aleph Product Working Group
The 2012/2013 enhancements cycle was completed successful on February 12. In this cycle some changes were introduced in the enhancements procedure, we decided to bring only the top 15 enhancements from the first voting round to the final voting round, as agreed with the Aleph PWG Business meeting in Zurich. These 15 enhancements (having assigned […]
News from the Voyager Product Working Group
The last 3 months have been a quiet time for the Voyager PWG. Voyage 8.2 was released near the end of last year and the service pack 8.2.1 was released recently. Voyager 9 is now scheduled for Q1, 2014. Top ranked enhancements resulting from the vote a year back are currently being added to the […]
Pivotal Replacement Project
SalesForce testing and implementation Members of the IGeLU and ELUNA Steering Committees and Product Working Groups recently attended a SalesForce training session and afterwards undertook some testing for Ex Libris in a sandbox version of SalesForce, the replacement system for Pivotal. Feedback from this testing has been and will be incorporated by Ex Libris into […]
Report from the Steering Committee Meeting in Berlin, March 2013
System Seminar 2014 After discussions about the pros and cons the Steering Committee accepted the suggestion of Ex Libris to hold the next system seminar in 2014 in conjunction with the IGeLU meeting. As in Haifa, the two events will start with the 3 days IGeLU meeting followed by a two days system seminar. The […]
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