This was our first year! The joint IGeLU/ELUNA Interoperability SIWG was formed last year at IGeLU 2013 conference to take into account various interoperability and API issues/topics of discussion and bring them to Ex Libris’ attention. The groups remit consists of all actively developed Ex Libris products, with the focus on a few products at […]
Linked Open Data SIWG News
Collecting use cases The joint EGeLU/ELUNA Linked Open Data SIWG continues to collect use cases and present them to Ex Libris on WebEx conference calls. On February 26, 2014, Roxana Popistasu of the National Library of Luxembourg presented on linking between author data in Primo/Aleph and Autorenlexikon, an encyclopedia of Luxembourgish literary authors. On March […]
Alma PWG News
Alive and kicking The Alma Product Working Group is thrilled to be representing and working for an active community of Alma users. PWG members have facilitated a number of regional user ‘meetings’, sometimes in person and sometimes virtually. We continue to work closely with Ex Libris by nominating ‘advisors’ for different topical groups, such as […]
Ex Libris Products’ Interoperability/API usage survey
Participation requested The IGeLU and ELUNA Special Interest Working Group on Interoperability, is conducting a survey on your use of Ex Libris products’ APIs and the issues you face with interoperability and with using APIs. Please join the survey by filling out this form It’s a quicky, but vital! It is a very short survey, […]
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Salesforce enhancement voting cycle results
Great success Although a bit late (sorry for that) we are proud to announce the results of the ‘Ex Libris CRM’ (Salesforce) enhancements voting cycle that ran from January 29th to February 11th. The voting was a great success. 98 institutions participated, in the voting cycle, using NERS! The resultlist of the voting has been […]
Azriel Morag award
Announcing the Azriel Morag award Ex Libris has announced the establishment of an annual award to honor the memory of Azriel Morag, the founder and first CEO of Ex Libris, and his immense contribution to Ex Libris and the academic library world. Morag, who died in October 2013, believed in innovation, daring, and the power of individuals to […]
Voting for ‘Ex Libris CRM’ (Salesforce) enhancements
The voting for the ‘Ex Libris CRM’ (Salesforce) enhancements starts Tuesday January 29th, and will run to Tuesday February 11th 00 pm. VOTE! We encourage you to participate in the ballot, just logon to NERS where you will find access to the voting directly on the start screen. The title of the ballot is “Survey […]
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Planning for Oxford 2014 has begun
Oxford here we come Planning for the next IGeLU Meeting in Oxford is on the way. An overall framework for the new conference agenda has been set up. The call for papers will be launched by the end of January and will be published via IGeLU lists and website. It will be great A wonderful […]
Survey on Ex Libris Customer Support Services
It starts today! Starting January 15th IGeLU and ELUNA are opening a survey for your feedback on Ex Libris Customer Support Services. We are focusing on the new Salesforce CRM that was implemented by Ex Libris in 2013 to replace the aging Pivotal platform. IGeLU & ELUNA were asked by Ex Libris to provide customer […]
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A flashback on the 8th IGeLU conference in Berlin
Great numbers Beginning of September 2013 400 attendees gathered at the Free University Berlin for the 8th IGeLU conference. Starting with the Opening reception on Saturday September 7th right after the meeting of the representatives of the National user groups with the Steering Committee and Ex Libris, the conference begun on Sunday morning with the […]
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