IGeLU 2024 Day 1 Recordings

1662-108370 – Conference Welcome

9/09/2024 09:00 – 9/09/2024 09:10        

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Rundde

Dave Allen, State Library of Queensland/IGeLU Chair – https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-allen-b156931

Kira Stine Hansen, Royal Danish Library, Deputy Director General / Chief University Librarian – https://dk.linkedin.com/in/kira-stine-hansen-3355244

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013707453/8344d78fba?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Day-1-1662-108370-Plenary-Conference-Welcome.pdf

1662-108500 – IGeLU 2024 Opening Keynote – Facts Unveiled: Navigating Factuality in the Era of Generative Models

9/09/2024 09:10 – 9/09/2024 10:00

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Pepa Atanasova, University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, Assistant Professor – https://www.linkedin.com/in/pepa-atanasova-65a2b417b

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013707510/f5f35e3c6b?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108500-IGeLU-2024-Opening-Keynote-Facts-Unveiled-Navigating-Factuality-in-the-Era-of-Generative-Models.pdf                                                                                                                                                                              

1662-108834 – Innovating Together – Beyond Limits

9/09/2024 10:00 – 9/09/2024 10:30

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Yariv Kursh, Clarivate, Senior Vice President, General Manager – https://www.linkedin.com/in/yariv-kursh                    

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013704417/8848979917?share=copy                                    

1662-108836 – Beyond Limits: The Library of tomorrow

9/09/2024 11:00 – 9/09/2024 12:00

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Asaf Kline, Clarivate, Vice President, Product Management – https://www.linkedin.com/in/asaf-kline-96b50a9   

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013705546/c02db3d2a1?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/IGELU-2024_Plenary_Alma-Rapido-and-Collecto_Asaf_Final.pdf                                

1662-108837 – Beyond Limits: Opening the library’s door to digital collections

9/09/2024 12:00 – 9/09/2024 12:30

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Yaniv Levi Korem, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Vice President, Product Management – https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaniv-levi-korem-05008b7

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013706773/68e3a3f035?share=copy

Presentation –  https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/IGeLU-2024_Plenary_Discovery_Yaniv_Final.pdf                                                                                                                                                                                               

1662-106868 – Making hidden treasures more visible with Discovery Collections

9/09/2024 13:30 – 9/09/2024 14:00

Enghave Plads + Kødbyen

Abstract: At the University of Leeds Library, we’ve been using Discovery Collections for four years and are deepening our exploration of all available functionality to promote our collections. In this session we introduce Discovery Collection functionality from a basic level for other libraries who may not use them at all, investigate the benefits for user navigation and browsing, and explain the Alma functionality for creating and maintaining the collections including options for display customization. We discuss the different approaches to Discovery Collection creation, from co-curation of reading lists with University stakeholders to Alma’s new functionality using logical sets to populate collections.”

Trevor Hough, University of Leeds, Metadata & Discovery Coordinator

Ceilan Hunter-Green, University of Leeds, Metadata & Discovery Manager – https://www.linkedin.com/in/ceilan-hunter-green-5241821a5/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013711861/f579b380c2?share=copy

Presentations – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-106868-Making-hidden-treasures-more-visible-with-Discovery-Collections.pdf

1662-107997 – Mermaid Whispers and System Insights

9/09/2024 13:30- 9/09/2024 14:00


Abstract: Get ready to dive into the world of systems librarians like never before! Ride the wave of collective knowledge from 22 system librarians at the Swiss consortium SLSP. Given SLSP’s unique environment, where a significant number of systems librarians collaborate closely, we’ve gathered their insights and tricks to offer fellow systems librarians a treasure trove of information. Come discover systems librarian hacks for Alma and Primo VE, learn about their challenges, what they love about their jobs, what they don’t love, and who they really are. Join this session to connect with the essence of system librarianship, understand perspectives and opportunities, and gain a deeper appreciation of the role’s impact in the ever-evolving world of library systems.

Aronne Watkins SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Head of Access & Discovery Services – https://www.linkedin.com/in/aronnewatkins/  

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013717190/3e1cdb9eae?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107997-Mermaid-Whispers-and-System-Insights.pdf

1662-108685 – Metadata Enrichment with AI

9/09/2024 13:30 – 9/09/2024 14:00

Kastrup Lufthavn

Tamar Ganor, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Product Manager – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamar-ganor-%D7%AA%D7%9E%D7%A8-%D7%92%D7%A0%D7%90%D7%95%D7%A8-151581103        

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013731338/0dc39da630?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108685-Metadata-Enrichment-with-AI.pdf                            

1662-106140 – Tell Us What You Need: Using Alma APIs to Align Resource Sharing and Purchase Requests With Our Workflows

9/09/2024 13:30 – 9/09/2024 14:00

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: As Alma early adopters in the UK, the University of York had many well-established processes and procedures which complimented our effective use of Alma. As such, we found that the inbuilt Resource Sharing and Purchase Request functionality was never quite flexible enough to work in a way that fully aligned with these. The end result was a process that didn’t work well for Library staff and users alike. This session will demonstrate how we developed our own forms and were able to optimise workflows, reduce manual tasks, and provide a better service for our staff and students using the Alma APIs and Google Apps Script, though the approach would be applicable for any scripting environment.

Paul Harding, University of York  Systems Specialist/Developer                                        

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013737073/ba533a737f?share=copy                                      

1662-106725 – Improving the discoverability of both a Cinema Museum and an Archives & Special Collection in Primo VE

9/09/2024 13:30 – 9/09/2024 14:00

Sankt Hans Torv

Abstract: This presentation covers the importation and customisation of two separate collections we have added to our instance of Primo VE. The University of Exeter is home to one of the largest collections of material relating to the moving image in the United Kingdom, the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum. The museum has its own website and catalogue but we wanted to incorporate it into Primo VE to increase visibility of the collection. The holdings were received in JSON and were converted to XML. In the presentation we will cover each of the steps and improvements we have made following the first importation. The presentation would also cover the incorporation of our Archives and Special Collections using normalisation rules and creating a variety of local display fields to improve the display in Primo VE, we also created new facets to help with improving discoverability of the various collections held. We think the innovative approach may help with discoverabilty of these resources in the future.

Andrew Dove, University of Exeter, Library Management Systems Administrator                          

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013747282/7df20cad8a?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Improving-the-discoverability-of-a-Cinema-Museum.pdf

1662-108699 – Unlocking connections: how Linked Open Data (LOD) benefits library users

9/09/2024 13:30 – 9/09/2024 14:00


Itai Veltzman, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director, Product Management https://www.linkedin.com/in/itaive

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013750637/2bd887668c?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108699-Unlocking-connections-how-Linked-Open-Data-LOD-benefits-library-users.pdf

1662-106116 – Shaping the Technical Services Workflow with Analytics

9/09/2024 13:30 – 9/09/2024 14:00

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: Technical services work involves processing large amounts of information. Small problems in data can create large problems for our users. In this session, a cataloging and metadata librarian and an electronic resources librarian will discuss analytics queries and dashboards that they use to quickly identify and clean up problem data, guide workflows within their departments, and provide consistent, reliable service to their patrons. Analytics reports include e-inventory, physical items, licenses, funds expenditures.

Jen Montavon-Green, University of Kentucky Libraries, Head of Electronic Resources

Kathryn Lybarger, University of Kentucky Libraries, Director of Cataloging and Metadata Services

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013755284/ffeed838cd?share=copy

1662-106971 – Oh, I didn’t receive that e-mail! Setting up consortia mail server to send & log e-mails from Alma

9/09/2024 14:10 – 9/09/2024 14:40

Enghave Plads + Kødbyen

Anstract: In day-to-day operation, reliable email communication with the Patron is essential. In 2024, major e-mail providers toughened their spam filters to enhance security. To maintain the deliverability of e-mails sent from Alma, additional security configuration is necessary in Alma and in the institutional domains. The Ex Libris mail server served us well since GoLive. However, it is a black box and the recent security enhancement in Alma does not support our network topology. By introducing a custom mailing infrastructure using SendGrid and a single consortia domain for multiple IZs, we reformed email delivery in the SLSP Network, offering more reliability and transparency. Join me as I show you our solution. Maybe you’ll get inspired.

Dominik Bláha, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Team Leader Access Services, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominik-blaha-139a68108/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013711207/bed2b6beb0?share=copy

Presentation –    https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Oh-I-didnt-receive-that-e-mail-Setting-up-consortia-mail-server-to-send-log-e-mails-from-Alma.pdf                                

1662-107578 – Together but separate – library independence at the University of Oxford

9/09/2024 14:10 – 9/09/2024 14:40


Abstract: University of Oxford libraries migrated from Aleph to Alma in August 2023. For our nearly 100 diverse libraries Aleph’s ADM structure enabled library independence and moving to one institution in Alma presented many challenges, particularly in the areas of fulfillment and acquisitions. This presentation will cover how we make use of new and existing Alma library independence functionality and local solutions. It will also include the continued challenges we face to meet our requirement to deliver shared services and policies for some libraries and independence for others.

Nathalie Schulz, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Systems Analyst

Duncan Jones, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Systems Support Librarian                      

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013716367/b39b6e1b12?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Igelu2024-DJ-NS.pdf

1662-108697 – RapidILL and Rapido Product Conversation

9/09/2024 14:10 – 9/09/2024 14:40

Nørrebros Runddel

Judith Fraenkel, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-fraenkel-7165723

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013736180/b31f1f8e15?share=copy

1662-108688 – Primo Product Conversation

9/09/2024 14:10 – 9/09/2024 14:40

Sankt Hans Torv

Yisrael Kuchar, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/yisraelkuchar

Nili Natan, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director & Product Manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/nili-natan-493138149

Sima Bloch, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Product Manager  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sima-bloch-winkler-61305128

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013745867/e9a60b38be?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108688-Primo-Product-Conversation.pdf

1662-105850 – Linked Open Data Community of Practice Open Meeting

9/09/2024 14:10 – 9/09/2024 14:40


Abstract: Update on the activities of the Linked Open Data CoP. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions

Xiaoli Li , University of California, Davis, Head of Content Support Services                                 

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013751265/87b545731b?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105850-Linked-Open-Data-Community-of-Practice-Open-Meeting.pdf

1662-107619 – Direct to Downsview: Utilizing Alma Analytics to Manage Transfers to Off-Site Storage

9/09/2024 14:10 – 9/09/2024 14:40

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: During system migrations, libraries are required to adapt their technical processes to new system capabilities. The University of Toronto Libraries encountered challenges when transitioning to Alma, as several of our technical services applications became obsolete. This presentation will discuss the reengineering of the Direct to Downsview workflow, an automated process that transfers newly acquired items to Downsview, our remote storage facility. Utilizing criteria such as language and Library of Congress call number range, this workflow routes items with projected low use to off-site storage and preserves shelf space for more frequently used titles. Leveraging Alma Analytics and Alma APIs, we redeveloped and optimized this workflow to take advantage of Alma’s enhanced inventory management features. The session will delve into the design and redevelopment of this process, emphasizing the criteria for selecting materials for storage and its impact on space management and user services.

Marlene van Ballegooie, University of Toronto Libraries, Metadata Technologies Manager              

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013753106/e7f9fbcfa2?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107619-Direct-to-Downsview-Utilizing-Alma-Analytics-to-Manage-Transfers-to-Off-Site-Storage.pdf

1662-108531 – Your students aren’t little librarians: Showcasing library treasures to prevent being lost at sea           

9/09/2024 14:50 – 9/09/2024 15:20

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: Recent research into the undergraduate workflow found that 63% of students will use Google to search for resources before visiting their library website (Librarian Futures Report Part II, 2023). Students are not “little librarians” and require support with using reputable resources, citing correctly, and using GenAI for better outcomes. The majority of students would like the library to be more embedded in their workflow but are unaware of the full extent of support that their academic library can offer. This reveals an opportunity for librarians to discover ways to engage with students in their preferred workflow. Join us as we discuss the digital knowledge gap that exists between librarians and students and learn how librarians can bridge this gap by bringing the library into the academic life of the user. We will also showcase Lean Library’s new functionality of surfacing Primos print treasures into users ‘digital’ workflows. We will also highlight the recent integration between Sage Campus and Lean Library which embeds the free short course “The Art of Chat GPT Interactions”, delivering GenAI guidance to students and researchers at their point of need. Attendees will learn about the habits of modern-day students, and how better to equip themselves with the skills and confidence of the tools available to provide support and guidance to students directly in their workflow.

Adam Barry, Technology from Sage, Development Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-barry1111/       

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013735811/82e86c70ba?share=copy

1662-108680 – Web of Science Research Intelligence

9/09/2024 14:50 – 9/09/2024 15:20

Sankt Hans Torv

Shalhevet Bar-Asher, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Director, Product Management https://www.linkedin.com/in/shalhevet-bar-asher-180a5b69

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013744439/527c1386d4?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/IGELU-2024_Half-Plenary-_Web-of-Science-Research-Intelligence_Shalhevet_Final.pdf

1662-108773 – Springshare Integration with Ex Libris Tools

9/09/2024 14:50 – 9/09/2024 15:20

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: Learn how you can integrate Springshare tools and content (LibGuides, LibCal, LibAnswers, and more!) into your Ex Libris tools and vice versa. Plus, we’ll showcase brand-new tools coming to Springshare and an Email Marketing Tool with built-in Alma integration. See how other libraries are integrating their Springshare content and beyond!

Talia Richards-Resendes, Springshare, VP of Marketing

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013753789/25dafad6ff?share=copy

1662-107082 – Digging for treasure: contextualising Leganto Analytics

9/09/2024 15:45 – 9/09/2024 16:15

Enghave Plads + Kødbyen

Abstract: At the University of Western Australia we provide statistics on Leganto usage as part of the Library Annual Report. However, without a defined benchmark for success, it was unclear whether our student usage could be considered good, bad, or average. By digging deeper into the statistics available in Analytics, and harnessing key parts of our service workflows, we were able to contextualise our figures and set appropriate expectations for success. These changes made our reporting to senior management more meaningful and deepened our understanding of reading list usage. Along the way we discovered new avenues for investigation, setting the scene for further analysis to better understand how our students and Unit Coordinators use Leganto. In this presentation, we will discuss the issues with our reporting of Leganto statistics, the outcome of our investigation, and the changes we made to the Library Annual Report to make our statistics meaningful and relevant.

Kael Driscoll, University of Western Australia, Discovery Librarian

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013760453/f64efce50b?share=copy

Presentation- https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107082-Digging-for-treasure-contextualising-Leganto-Analytics.pdf

1662-107549 – ORCID for our Researchers! and Potential impacts!

9/09/2024 15:45 – 9/09/2024 16:15


Abstract: Binghamton University Libraries in the summer of 2023 was asked to implement ORCID across the University.  The Libraries built a budget that included some outreach materials and the hiring of 2 graduate students to help with the outreach.  In this discussion we will talk about what we didn’t do, what we should have done, and what we are doing well with lessons learned.  After identifying 660 faculty we currently have about 270 registered, and have asked to extend the “sign up” project into next year.  We will discuss future plans and why we feel this is critical work.”           

David Schuster  Binghamton University (State University of New York), Sr. Dr. for Library Technology and Digital Strategies, https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-schuster-8b6a885/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013718545/55d1a63078?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107549-ORCID-for-our-Researchers-and-Potential-impacts.pdf

1662-107026- How to support Office Delivery and complicated logistics at the Royal Danish Library

9/09/2024 15:45 – 9/09/2024 16:15

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: The Royal Danish Library offers Office Delivery as a service for several of our patrons.

The complexity of the Royal Danish Library – we have more than 20 locations spread across Denmark, who provide materials for this service and the patrons are located in different cities and different locations therein – makes it a logistical nightmare and Alma Standard does not support this kind of complex set-up, so we have had to think out of the box to solve this one!”   

Susie Ott, Royal Danish Library, Logistics Coordinator

Anne Holst van Wonterghem, Royal Danish Library, Senior Advisor, https://www.linkedin.com/in/annehw/

Karin Emilia Paulin, Royal Danish Library, Systems Consultant, https://www.linkedin.com/in/karin-paulin-ab022227/

Recording- https://vimeo.com/1013732005/06f2b2a83c?share=copy

Presentation –   https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107026-How-to-support-Office-Delivery-and-complicated-logistics-at-the-Royal-Danish-Library.pdf                                             

1662-105852 – RapidILL Working Group Open Meeting

9/09/2024 15:45- 9/09/2024 16:15

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: Update on the activities of the RapidILL WG. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions

Kip A. Darling, Birmingham City University, Library Supervisor, https://www.linkedin.com/in/kip-a-darling                                                                                                                                  

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013736697/3dcfab99be?share=copy

1662-108684 – Alma Product Conversation

9/09/2024 15:45 – 9/09/2024 16:15

Sankt Hans Torv

Dana Moshkovits, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-moshkovits-6596412

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013745123/6b67db5fda?share=copy

1662-105978 – A first foray into Linked Data: practical aspects of working with BIBFRAME from the viewpoint of three academic libraries

9/09/2024 15:45 – 9/09/2024 16:15


Abstract: Metadata staff at Newcastle University, University of Leeds, and the University of Miami joined the Ex Libris Linked Open Data Focus Group in September 2023 in order to trial the Sinopia editor for creating BIBFRAME records and bringing them into the Alma and Primo Sandbox environment. The group’s work is helping Ex Libris to develop and refine Alma workflows compatible with BIBFRAME for future release in Production. The group also offers input to Ex Libris’ long-term plan of developing their own Linked Data editor within Alma. This presentation will provide a glimpse into each institution’s experiences navigating their first foray into the Linked Data world, including the challenges of working with three very different sets of materials (e-books at Newcastle, special collections print monographs at Leeds, and print faculty publications at Miami) and limited prior knowledge of BIBFRAME, but also the opportunities for collaborative learning and improved discoverability of collections

Trevor Hough, University of Leeds, Metadata & Discovery Coordinator

Kim Taylor, University of Leeds, Metadata & Discovery Manager

Claire Delamore, Newcastle University, Metadata Librarian

Margarita Perez Martinez, University of Miami School of Law, Cataloging, Metadata, and IR Librarian

Recording: https://vimeo.com/1013750032/6835ef1dcb?share=copy

Presentations – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105978-A-first-foray-into-Linked-Data-practical-aspects-of-working-with-BIBFRAME-from-the-viewpoint-of-three-academic-libraries.pdf

1662-107596 – Finding their voices and uncovering our treasures: staff development and Ex Libris systems

9/09/2024 15:45 – 9/09/2024 16:15

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: Since 2019 we have implemented Alma, Primo, Rialto and Leganto at a time of significant global and institutional change, moving from long established Library Management and Reading Lists systems. The past four years has also seen a rapid expansion of the Access & Acquisitions team. Through a series of case studies, this presentation will explore our approach to change management relating to the implementation of our Ex Libris products and how involvement of the team at all levels has led to greater engagement internally and with the wider Ex Libris community, contribution to development of processes, greater team cohesion and skills acquisition.

Isabel Archer, University of Leeds, Access & Acquisitions Manager: Acquisitions & Reading Lists

Elly Cope, University of Leeds, Head of Access & Acquisitions

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013755887/50b4cb617c?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107596-Finding-their-voices-and-uncovering-our-treasures-staff-development-and-Ex-Libris-systems.pdf

1662-105866 – Aleph Working Group Open Meeting and Aleph Product Update

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55

CPH Hotel – M1 Conference

Abstract: Update on the activities of the Aleph WG and on the Aleph roadmap. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Tara La Ware, Center for Jewish History Systems Librarian

Carmit Marcus, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director of Product Management and Partnerships, https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmit-marcus-3a0505b1

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013761511/3a2ba31fd3?share=copy

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013761526/3e8809ac34?share=copy  

1662-108742- Introducing Collecto

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55

Enghave Plads + Kødbyen

Raphael Gabbay, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Manager, Product Management – https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelgabbay

Itai Veltzman, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director, Product Management – https://www.linkedin.com/in/itaive

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013759718/0bc014411b?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108742-Introducing-Collecto.pdf

1662-106136 – Support Advisory Group Open Meeting

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55


Abstract: Update on the activities of the Support Advisory Group. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions

Alex Forrest, University of Edinburgh, Systems Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-forrest-99b8b989

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013717816/987fd1f7ec?share=copy

1662-108336 – Somewhat COUNTER-intuitive? What we learned re-building our journal evaluation tool in Alma Analytics & wish we knew the first time around

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: Karolinska Institutet University Library has reworked our Alma Analytics tool for journal evaluation, used by the acquisitions team at the library to evaluate subscriptions – including COUNTER usage data and subscription components of a large number of transformative Read & Publish agreements. We held workshops to capture the needs of the acquisitions team. What worked well or not in our existing tool, and what could they do without? Taking cues from agile development, we worked with our user group throughout development to account for their needs.

A key difference from the development of our prior tool is that we also considered those creating and maintaining the solution – they are, in fact, users too!  Our first tool seemed to follow an every need counts principle, in the end creating a maintenance monstrosity from whose claws we set out to take back a coveted treasure – our time and peace of mind!  This turned out to help address some of the pain points stated by our end users too.

Karin Perols, Karolinska Institutet, Librarian, www.linkedin.com/in/karin-perols-a1a10664

David Hahne, Karolinska Institutet, Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-hahne-81ab74b2/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013730838/8cbc616dcc?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108336-Somewhat-COUNTER-intuitive-What-we-learned-re-building-our-journal-evaluation-tool-in-Alma-Analytics-wish-we-knew-the-first-time-around.pdf

1662-108232 – Beyond Limits and Differences: Experience Sharing from 3 University Libraries in Hong Kong Adopting Rapido

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: The presenters from three universities – which are either public or private and are different in size in terms of FTE and collection – will each explain why their existing ILL systems were replaced by Rapido? Issues such as “How do the users perceive the enhanced services”, “What are the best practices”, and “What lessons have been learnt” will be addressed.”

Jeff Liu, Lingnan University, Associate Librarian.

Howard Wong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Section Head, Systems & Digital Services

Kam Ho Lau, Saint Francis University, Senior Assistant Librarian

Tony Tsang, Lingnan University, Digital Services Librarian

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013735067/666a527a9b?share=copy                                                        

1662-105845 – Alma Working Group Open Meeting

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55

Sankt Hans Torv

Abstract: Update on the activities of the Alma WG. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions

Gijs Noels, KU Leuven/LIBIS, Product Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/gijs-noels

Catherine Grove, Northwestern University, Head Metadata Services, https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-grove-57ba4a71

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013746436/ac1d027759?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105845-Alma-Working-Group-Open-Meeting.pdf

1662-105339 – Conference First Timers and What is IGeLU!

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55


Abstract: This session is open to all first timers to the IGeLU Conference, however all are welcome to attend. I will be using this opportunity to welcome you to the conference and for you to introduce yourself to others and hopefully make professional connections to other attendees. I will also use this opportunity to explain who and what IGeLU does for the community

Dave Allen, State Library of Queensland  / IGeLU Chair, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-allen-b156931

1662-105297 – Developing a Strategy for Primo Featured Collections and Analyzing Use and Impact

9/09/2024 16:25 – 9/09/2024 16:55

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: This case study examines the intersection of library discovery technology and diversity, equity, and inclusion through featured collections at the University of Calgary Libraries and Cultural Resources (LCR). These collections feature timely or niche topics such as Open Access Week or Indigenous Heritage Month. They are created in a cooperative environment allowing an exchange of ideas between the engagement librarians requesting the creation of the collection and the technical services staff who create the collection. We are developing policies surrounding the set-up and maintenance of these collections. Recently Ex Libris implemented functionality to gather usage stats for these collections through Primo Analytics and in this presentation, we will use this newly available data to analyze the use and impact of these collections on our users.

Kaia MacLeod, University of Calgary, Indigenous Cataloguing Librarian

Susan Dahl, University of Calgary, Director Content Services

Matt Black, University of Calgary, Library Systems Librarian

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1013754486/e7f3cc2dae?share=copy