IGeLU 2024 Day 3 Recordings

1662-105868 – Leganto Working Group Meeting [Closed meeting – 60 min.]

11/09/2024 08:00 – 11/09/2024 09:00

CPH Hotel – M3+M4

Abstract: Private meeting for the Leganto WG and Leganto Product Management Meeting (SC, WG, NUG…). Attendance is by invitation only.        

Recording – N/A private meeting

1662-105863 – Rosetta Working Group Open Meeting and Rosetta Product Update

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30

CPH Hotel – M1

Abstract: Update on the activities of the Rosetta WG and on the Rosetta roadmap. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Sam Alloing, National Library of the Netherlands, Digital Preservation Officer, https://www.linkedin.com/in/samalloing

Rael Elstein,Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Product Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/rael-elstein-42795344

Recording –https://vimeo.com/1014177699/b1642bbcc2?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105863-–-Rosetta-Working-Group-Open-Meeting-and-Rosetta-Product.pdf

1662-105864 – The Rapido Implementation Game [30 min.]       

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 10:10

CPH Hotel – M5

Abstract: Come and play an escape game that goes over real-life implementation steps through a series of questions and puzzles. Players will answer questions centered around Rapido’s implementation and processes. Each question serves as a stepping stone towards the ultimate goal: successfully launching Rapido to enhance the library’s services! As you navigate through the stages of Rapido’s deployment, you’ll unlock clues, solve problems, and advance closer to mastering the art of Rapido’s implementation. Grab a laptop and join us for a fun adventure in systems and camaraderie. Oh and small prizes await participants too! Physical session only (no live streaming). The number of physical participants is limited to 45.         

Aronne Watkins, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Head of Access & Discovery Services, https://www.linkedin.com/in/aronnewatkins

Lori Hilterbrand, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Program Manager for Resource Sharing and Fulfillment

Recording – N/A – physical attendees only

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105864-–-The-Rapido-Implementation-Game.pdf

1662-105851- Primo Working Group Open Meeting

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30


Abstract: Update on the activities of the Primo WG. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Stacey van Groll, University of Queensland  Manager, Discovery and Access, https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacey-van-groll-512b63140

Yisrael Kuchar Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/yisraelkuchar

Sima Bloch, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Product Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/sima-bloch-winkler-61305128

Recording –https://vimeo.com/1014211069/131e7af2fa?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105851-Primo-Working-Group-Open-Meeting.pdf

1662-107288 – Cataloguing manuscripts and private archives in Alma

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: In this paper, I wish to discuss the cataloging of manuscripts and private archives in Alma. Some libraries with heritage collections choose Alma for their general collections and other systems for their special collections, but at the Royal Danish Library, we catalog both manuscripts and archives in MARC21 in Alma. We want borrowers to be able to discover and request material in Alma. Moreover, in digitization projects, we want to be able to transfer metadata directly from Alma to our digital asset management system. We therefore enter metadata with the highest possible degree of detail. Whereas printed catalogs and finding aids are hierarchical, MARC records are relatively flat. To create hierarchies, we use “Collections” for the top level and related records for the bottom level. In analyzing our practice, I will draw upon recent experiences with the archives of Hans Christian Andersen, Søren Kierkegaard, and Karen Blixen, as well as with our database of letters

Anders Toftgaard, Royal Danish Library, Senior Researcher, https://www.linkedin.com/in/anders-toftgaard-9235462/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014277928/2490669ff1?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107288-–-Cataloguing-manuscripts-and-private-archives-in-Alma.pdf

1662-107262 – Accessibility service on the library’s discovery platform

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: This presentation outlines the development and implementation of an innovative accessibility request form integrated into the library’s discovery platform. The form aims to facilitate alternative format requests for students with disabilities, ensuring equitable access to library materials. Through collaboration with various university departments and stakeholders, including the Alternative Formats Support Team, Student Accessibility Services office, and the Office of Copyright, a comprehensive policy was established to streamline the provision of alternative formats.

Wei Xuan, University of Manitoba Libraries, Associate University Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/wei-xuan-37b8a032

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014537205/7f579a8406?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107262-–-Accessibility-service-on-the-librarys-discovery-platform.pdf

1662-108334 – To Fit Like a Glove! Best Practice of Involving Alma UX Customer Group in Developing New Circulation Desk Interface

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30

Sankt Hans Torv

Abstract: Recently an innovative approach called the “Enhanced UX”, was launched in Ex Libris Alma. It aims at improving User Experience by developing new layout concepts, such as a “side-by-side” view and slide-out panels. For new UI being best suited for the users’ needs, Ex Libris initiated the Alma UX Customer Group on Basecamp, joined by representatives from many academic libraries in the world, working in different Alma areas. It proved to be a fruitful field for sharing and discussing workflow practices of international Alma users, followed by small focus groups testing and commenting on UI drafts. Mutually beneficial enterprise, it provided New UI Developer teams with enlightening Customer’ feedbacks, and granted Alma Users an opportunity to influence their future work tools. In November 2024, the release of New Circulation Desk UI is being planned. Our presentation will highlight the collaboration process in the Fulfillment area, and trace its effects on the almost finished product.

Aviva Levin Belousov, University of Haifa, Circulation & Special Projects, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-aviva-levin-belousov-18654036/

Dana Moshkovits, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-moshkovits-6596412

Tamar Fuches, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Manager, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamar-fuches-3a1901230/?originalSubdomain=il

Baruch Picard, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Product Owner, Alma, https://www.linkedin.com/in/baruch-picard/

Erez Shabo, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Product Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/erez-shabo-a7871529

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014561933/35339ab697?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108334-–-To-Fit-Like-a-Glove-Best-Practice-of-Involving-Alma-UX.pdf

1662-108339 – Creating a microform resource type assisted by ChatGPT [Zoom session]   

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30


Abstract: San Francisco State University Library houses microforms at multiple locations. Despite their unique research value, they are unlikely to be top choices for most students. There is a need to deprioritize them in Primo VE result ranking. Isolating them for ranking configuration is challenging due to the lack of location-based mapping, evolving cataloging practices over time, and the use of a single MARC record for both digital and microform formats. This presentation will illustrate how leveraging ChatGPT made the process more manageable both in identifying relevant MARC fields and in generating regular expressions. The presenter will also discuss the solutions in creating sets that match true microform records while excluding online resources. Having a microform resource type not only allows for using the boost factor but also enhances searching and discovery. The AI-assisted approach in creating new resource types can be valuable for attendees’ own library’s practices

Can Li, San Francisco State University (SFSU), Discovery & Systems Librarian   

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014586032/652ede5386?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108339-–-Creating-a-microform-resource-type-assisted-by-ChatGPT.pdf

1662-105846 – Analytics Community of Practice Open Meeting

11/09/2024 09:00 – 11/09/2024 09:30

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: Interested in Analytics? Find out what the Analytics Community of Practice (CoP) is currently working on. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Maya Amichal, Weizmann Institute of Science, Systems Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/maya-amichal-a28b5b167

Raphael Gabbay, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Product Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelgabbay

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014611310/a2735f15d2?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-105846-–-Analytics-Community-of-Practice-Open-Meeting.pdf

1662-108881- Ex Libris Support Services Q&A/Panel discussion

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10

CPH Hotel – M1

Abstract: Features of this session:

  • Updated and enhanced content on:
  • How customers can ensure quick case handling
  • The lifecycle of a case within Ex Libris Support
  • Pre-submitted questions that customers submitted to IGELU
  • Additional information Ex Libris Support wants to share
  • Live audience Q&A

Martin Büscher, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director, Customer Care

Zvi Vogel, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate Support Director, https://www.linkedin.com/in/zvi-vogel-a8b87731

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014177629/3bc5250c92?share=copy

1662-106138 – Recasting the Mould – Librarianship of the Future: leveraging Automation, APIs, and AI

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10


Abstract: With leaps in artificial intelligence made in recent years redefining the information landscape and introducing new means of information production, librarianship also must evolve to include new literacies. One way librarians can equip and empower ourselves is by understanding the building blocks of how machines and automation work. Perhaps more important than learning specific programming languages, learning computational thinking provides us with more ways to spot and evaluate problems and devise solutions without extensive coding knowledge. My presentation will take the improvement of membership processing as an example using Power Automate, a low-code Microsoft tool mimicking block programming. The tool allows me to explore Alma APIs without learning to code, instead focusing more on exploration and creative problem solving. I will illustrate how we can use computational thinking to reduce staff workload, enhance user experience, and uncover the untapped potential of Alma APIs.

Samantha Seah, Singapore Management University, Digital Innovation Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthassc/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014210634/6acf158db5?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-106138-–-Recasting-the-Mould-–-Librarianship-of-the-Future-leveraging.pdf

1662-106748 – Archival Material, Manuscripts, and Archival Material/Manuscripts: Making More Sense of Resource Types in Primo VE

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: The Resource Types that appear in Primo VE are not directly related to any of the material/resource types in Alma. At the University of Toronto, we encountered some frustration with these differences – our staff didn’t understand why the Primo resource types did not reflect the metadata the way we expected them to. Come hear how a group of metadata and user service librarians, archivists, and library staff worked together to improve the resource types that appear in our Primo VE instance. We’ve merged similar Alma and CDI resource types, aligned the metadata and labels in ways our users understand, and begun exploring secondary resource types.    

Susan Bond, University of Toronto Libraries, Discovery Systems Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-bond-4b097838/

Kyla Jemison, University of Toronto Libraries, Metadata Librarian   

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014284092/a7fa7f01f6?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-106748-–-Archival-Material-Manuscripts-and-Archival-Making-More-Sense-of-Resource-Types-in-Primo-VE.pdf

1662-108211 – Variety vs. Uniformity: Primo VE Views within the swisscovery Network

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: The presentation delves into swisscovery’s diverse yet cohesive nature, covering the views topology of the Swiss network of 500 libraries, their customization, and adherence to the SLSP standard. The presenters will show the methodology of establishing a common standard and the services provided by SLSP, such as the creation of bibliographic views. Furthermore, insights emerge into Primo VEs capabilities and potential for further improvement.          

Nikol Stepan, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Data and System Specialist / Business Analyst, https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikol-stepan-2b410513b/

Fabiano Fiero, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Team Leader Discovery Services

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014536586/dd3f58b47d?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108211-–-Variety-vs-Uniformity-Primo-VE-Views-within-the-swisscovery.pdf

1662-108882 – Maximising Alma’s benefits through Library best practices

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10

Sankt Hans Torv

Practical Applications  Alma

Evon Malixi, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Customer Success Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/emalixi

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014562462/51643c7180?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108882-–-Maximising-Almas-benefits-through-Library-best-practices.pdf

1662-107196 – Normalization for Semantic Web with Authority Data in Alma and Primo VE

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10


Abstract: Normalization with authority data is a basic requirement for the implementation of the Semantic Web in libraries. The vocabulary of the authority data builds the semantic network. The normalization in the bibliographic data based on this semantic network ensures an optimized search experience in Primo VE. Therefore it is important that both the authority data and the links in the bibliographic data are realiable. This requires standards and systems that standardize the data management and data utilization using different authority files in different languages. We show what we have achieved in our swisscovery system at SLSP based on the results of the collaboration with ExLibris, the libraries and the GND focus group. We present as well our current challenges in this context and where we see further development possibilities and potential to get more flexibility in data exploration.          

Hans Schürmann, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Head Data Management

Jeanette Isele, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform), Head of Data Services, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanette-isele-33837b204

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014586928/72b6290610?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107196-–-Normalization-for-Semantic-Web-with-Authority-Data-in-Alma.pdf

1662-108698 – Library Analytics: Powered by connections

11/09/2024 09:40 – 11/09/2024 10:10

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Raphael Gabbay, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate Manager, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelgabbay

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014610953/6f854e5f69?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108698-–-Library-Analytics-Powered-by-connections.pdf

1662-108800 – Bringing Users Back to the Library

11/09/2024 10:20 – 11/09/2024 10:50

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: In an era where digital resources are abundant but often fragmented, we are committed to “Bringing Users Back to the Library” by leveraging the latest AI technologies and seamless content workflow integrations. Our innovative solutions, in partnership with leading industry tools, ensure that the library remains a central hub for academic discovery, research, and content access. We will present “Article Galaxy Scholar” (AGS) integrated with Scite.ai (a powerful discovery tool built on a database of 1.3Bn Smart Citations mined from article full text and supported with an AI Assistant). AGS is a platform designed to elevate the library user experience by enhancing discovery, access, and engagement with academic content. AGS empowers libraries to offer their patrons seamless access to over 33,000 journals, on a supplemental basis beyond typical library subscriptions, ensuring that users can easily discover and utilize the scholarly resources they need.

Key Benefits of AGS:

  • Enhancing User Discovery and Access: AGS bridges collection gaps by providing comprehensive access to a wide array of scholarly materials, making it easier for users to find and engage with the content that matters most.
  • Streamlining Library Operations: Through integrations with leading systems like ALMA, RapidILL, Rapido, and LibKey, AGS simplifies the research process, offering users quick and efficient access to necessary content while freeing up library staff to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Supporting Informed Budget Management: AGS includes advanced tools for budget monitoring, helping libraries to manage resources effectively while ensuring that patrons always have access to essential materials.
  • Prioritizing Open Access: AGS actively promotes the use of open access content, aligning with the broader movement towards freely available scholarly publishing and ensuring users have access to high-quality, accessible resources.

A standout feature of our approach is the integration of AGS with LibKey from Third Iron and Scite.ai, tools that significantly enrich the user experience. LibKey enhances discovery and access by allowing seamless retrieval of full-text articles from databases and publisher websites. Meanwhile, Scite.ai, used by thousands of students for its AI-powered assistant, offers advanced citation analysis that provides deeper insights into how articles are cited, helping users assess the relevance and impact of their research findings.

This holistic approach supports our mission to “Bring Users Back to the Library” by making the library an indispensable resource in the academic journey. Join us to explore how AGS and Scite.ai, along with its powerful integrations, can transform your library’s operations and significantly enhance the research experience for your patrons

Scott Ahlberg, Research Solutions, Chief Operations Officer / Co-Developer of Article Galaxy Scholar, https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-ahlberg-89bab6

Chris Bendall, Research Solutions, Vice President Product Strategy, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-chris-bendall-474b3623

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014536728/1fc22577ee?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108800-–-Bringing-Users-Back-to-the-Library.pdf

1662-108819 – GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) at Clarivate: from research to applications

11/09/2024 10:20 – 11/09/2024 10:50

Sankt Hans Torv

Guy Ben Porat, Clarivate, VP of Academic AI, https://www.linkedin.com/in/guy-ben-porat-3949b711

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014562155/79a9863a27?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108819-–-GenAI-Generative-Artificial-Intelligence-at-Clarivate-from.pdf

1662-108682 – Empowering Libraries to improve student outcomes

11/09/2024 10:20 – 11/09/2024 10:50

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Meredith Griggs-Keane, ProQuest, part of Clarivate Vice President, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/mvgriggs

Judith Fraenkel, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-fraenkel-7165723

Jessie Ransom, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Manager, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessie-ransom-co

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014610868/73d58605dd?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108682-–-Empowering-Libraries-to-improve-student-outcomes.pdf

1662-106729 – National/State/Corporate Libraries Community of Practice Open Meeting

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 11:45

CPH Hotel – M1

Abstract: Update on the activities of the National/State/Corporate Libraries CoP. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Recording – audio only – https://vimeo.com/1014177746/a647b39cc2?share=copy

1662-108922 – DACHELA GND-Anwendergruppe [Closed meeting – 70 min.]

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 12:25

CPH Hotel – M3+M4

Abstract: Private meeting for the German-speaking GND working group and Alma Product Management. Attendance is by invitation only.        

Recording: N/A – private meeting      

1662-108325 – A collaborative exploration of Leganto: Strategies, challenges and success stories from the user community [70 min.]

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 12:25

CPH Hotel – M5

Abstract: The Leganto Product Working Group will facilitate a session for Leganto customers (old and new) to share experience and learn from each other. PWG-lead Jessie Donaghey (Bond University), Angela Laurins (University of Edinburgh) will start the session with lightening talks about their respective reading list services outlining some of the choices they’ve made and the approaches they’ve taken. We’ll then dive into a range of topics including purchasing workflows, roles and responsibilities, citation lifecycle, managing digitisation requests and student/instructor engagement. We’ll have time for audience led discussion at the end of each topic. Attendees are encouraged to come to the session with questions and be ready to share what they do and why, with the aim to get a diverse range of perspectives and takeaways for all.  Physical session only (no live streaming) The number of physical participants is limited to 45.         

Jessie Donaghey, Bond University, Digital Services Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessie-donaghey-519a6a39

Paolo Buoso, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Library Deputy Head, https://www.linkedin.com/in/paolobuoso

Angela Laurins, University of Edinburgh, Library Learning Services Manager

Katherine O’Brien, University of Notre Dame Australia, Application Administrator, https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-o-brien-26841051

Kael Driscoll, University of Western Australia, Discovery Librarian

Recording – N/A – physical attendance only

Presentation Slides – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/A-collaborative-exploration-of-Leganto_-Strategies-challenges-and-success-stories-from-the-user-community.pdf

1662-108226 – Supporting Cross-Session Searching: Dilex Search and Search Timelines

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 11:45


Abstract: The common design pattern for library search interfaces includes a query box, a search results list, facets to support query refinement, and a workspace in which to save search results. Such interfaces favour simplicity and learnability, limiting their ability to support searchers who have complex information needs that span multiple search sessions. A recent focus of our research group has been to design, implement, and study new approaches to support cross-session searching. The implementation of such interfaces has been enabled through the use of the Primo and Polaris APIs. Two particularly successful approaches will be demonstrated: Dilex Search and Search Timelines. Both use semi-automatic methods for keeping track of search tasks and visualization to show past search behaviour to enable task resumption. For Dilex Search, we have fast-tracked the transition from research prototype to commercial product development. It is now available for deployment within Ex Libris ecosystems.

Orland Hoeber, University of Regina & Dilex Search Professor

Dale Storie, University of Regina, Associate Dean (Research)

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014210718/4d2ed2166d?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108226-–-Supporting-Cross-Session-Searching-Dilex-Search-and-Search.pdf

1662-107937 – DDC and Alma: metadata enrichment for librarians and users at the University of Milano (Italy) 

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 11:45

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: It is a truth universally acknowledged that librarians in possession of a vast collection must be in want of a semantic classification. At the University of Milano, more than ever.

In 2020 we understood we couldn’t segment the collection according to disciplines for lack of meaningful coverage with any classification. The size of our book repository made it unthinkable to intervene manually. Since applying AI to the task is not so easy, either, we pursued another approach by enriching our records through the extraction of DDC numbers from other catalogues. At first, we leveraged the Italian union catalogue SBN, but DDC numbers were mostly associated with Italian publications. Therefore, we extended our reach to sources abroad. The project addressed 3 key challenges:

  • matching our bib records with the external records, when common system identifiers are absent;
  • updating class numbers to conform to WebDewey;
  • enhancing semantic access for our patrons by adding descriptive subject information.

Leonardo Bassanini, Università degli Studi di Milano – Direzione SBA / ITALE, Library manager / Project group leader

Carola R. Della Porta, Università degli Studi di Milano – Direzione SBA / ITALE, Librarian / Project group member

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014280991/07ef2d1bf5?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107740-–-Enhancing-Serials-Metadata-with-Artificial-Intelligence-A-Case.pdf

1662-108276 – Changing Cataloging Systems: Integrating Alma, WorldCat and the Dutch Union Cataloging System (GGC)

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 11:45

Sankt Hans Torv

Abstract: In December 2024, the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) took the next step in its implementation of Alma. We transitioned from (a) cataloging physical titles in the Dutch Union Catalog (GGC) while managing physical inventory in Alma to (b) cataloging physical titles and managing physical inventory in Alma. This process involved reviewing and enhancing the existing integrations between Alma, WorldCat, and the GGC. In fact, WorldCat played a crucial role in this transition. Since our Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is still linked to the GGC, our bibliographic and holdings records must now travel from Alma to the GGC via WorldCat to appear in our OPAC. During this presentation, I will discuss the key challenges and lessons learned during this transition.

Oki Utamura, KB, National Library of the Netherlands, Functional Application Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/oki-u/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014562762/2d34823411?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108276-–-Changing-Cataloging-Systems-Integrating-Alma-WorldCat-and.pdf

1662-108305 – Cockpit: a user-friendly central office dashboard

11/09/2024 11:15 – 11/09/2024 11:45


Abstract: This talk will present Cockpit, a software-based platform built to integrate with Alma and facilitate the everyday tasks of a central office. The Swiss library network “Renouvaud” is formed of 150 academic, scientific, heritage, public and school libraries and employs over 650 members of staff. Management of the system is in the responsibility of the central office. Still a work in progress, Cockpit provides a single point of entry to a set of tools that allow librarians to independently manage and schedule some routine administrative tasks such as calendar updates, rescheduling of loans, staff login management or location changes. Granting the network librarians access to Cockpit lets them take control over such activities, as central office operates only as moderator of the requests. This dashboard gives an overview of recurring operations and allows librarians and central office staff to dedicate the freed-up time to more attractive tasks and projects

Sylvain Courret, Renouvaud library network, Systems librarian

Sophie Delarze, Renouvaud library network, Systems librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophie-delarze

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014585228/73ad94f771?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108305-–-Cockpit-a-user-friendly-central-office-dashboard.pdf

1662-108240 – Migrating to Alma/Primo VE: The Covenant University Experience

11/09/2024 11:15 – 1/09/2024 11:45

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Abstract: This paper examines the transition from a web-based to a cloud-based library management system, using the Covenant University Library as a case study. The objective is to document the step-by-step migration process, identify and address the challenges faced, and evaluate the benefits realized post-migration. The significance of this study lies in demonstrating the advantages of cloud-based systems, such as improved scalability, enhanced accessibility, and reduced cost savings. The methodology includes a detailed case study approach, incorporating interviews with key stakeholders, and user feedback. The findings will provide valuable insights into the migration process, highlighting practical solutions to common challenges and offering best practices for other libraries considering similar transitions. The ultimate goal is to facilitate a smoother transition to cloud-based systems across the library community, ensuring enhanced operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

Ifeakachuku Osinulu, Covenant University, Systems Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ifeakachuku-osinulu-425ba21b/

Ada Sonia Peter, Covenant University, Director, Centre for Learning Resources, https://www.linkedin.com/in/adapeter/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014611403/58a154d970?share=copy (audio only)

1662-108696 – Introducing Specto

11/09/2024 11:55 – 11/09/2024 12:25


Yaniv Levi Korem, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Vice President, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaniv-levi-korem-05008b7

Guy Ben Porat, Clarivate, VP of Academic AI, https://www.linkedin.com/in/guy-ben-porat-3949b711

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014210791/52e06c06d1?share=copy

1662-107740 – Enhancing Serials Metadata with Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study Using ChatGPT and Alma Cloud Apps

11/09/2024 11:55 – 11/09/2024 12:25

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into library practices offers significant potential for enhancing metadata quality. In this session, the presenters will showcase a project undertaken by the University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) to leverage ChatGPT and Alma cloud apps to standardize and improve serials metadata. The initiative employs AI-driven techniques to identify discrepancies in item metadata, automate the correction process, and reload the metadata using Alma’s cloud apps. The project also highlights how these technologies can enable the retrospective itemization of serials and the regeneration of serial summary holding statements. By empowering librarians with artificial intelligence and advanced API tools, this project showcases a scalable and innovative approach to metadata remediation, enabling large-scale enhancements that significantly improve the accessibility and utility of library collections.

Marlene van Ballegooie, University of Toronto Libraries, Metadata Technologies Manager

Juliya Borie, University of Toronto Libraries, Librarian, Metadata Services 

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014279240/c030f26d31?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-107740-–-Enhancing-Serials-Metadata-with-Artificial-Intelligence-A-Case.pdf

1662-108090 – Anchors Away, Alma: Using Alma to Run A Ship’s Library

11/09/2024 11:55 – 11/09/2024 12:25

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: SUNY Maritime is preparing the next generation of American professional mariners. The Stephen B. Luce Library manages both the on-campus library and the Ship’s Library on the college’s training ship. The old ship’s lack of technological infrastructure required the library to run a redundant, secondary open-source ILS. The delivery of the new TS Empire State 7 in September 2023 allowed for the expansion of Alma as the Ship’s Library’s primary ILS. This was a year-long project requiring new library configurations, migration of old bibliographic records to new workflows for the Ship’s Librarian, and on-the-fly troubleshooting after cybersecurity complications with the U.S. Federal Government.

This presentation will focus on the implementation of Alma as the Ship’s Library ILS, an assessment of the production environment after a full Summer Sea Term, and planned revisions.  Participants supporting Alma in traditional and non-traditional library settings are highly encouraged to attend.”

Lauren Bradley, SUNY Maritime College, Discovery & Electronic Resources Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-bradley-6b358816/

Noah Grover, SUNY Maritime College, Technical Services Librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/noah-grover-bbb7492a0/

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014536360/ac486102d1?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108090-–-Anchors-Away-Alma-Using-Alma-to-Run-A-Ships-Library.pdf

1662-108077 – Creating a local Community of Practice across four Melbourne Alma Libraries

11/09/2024 11:55 – 11/09/2024 12:25

Sankt Hans Torv

Abstract: Embark on a journey “beyond limits and differences” into the collaborative Community of Practice sessions involving four Melbourne Alma-using libraries. This presentation showcases how these sessions have ignited innovative dialogues and shared discoveries, while forging a stronger bond across our local community network. Explore how the dynamic exchange of ideas between RMIT University, La Trobe University, the State Library of Victoria and Monash University was facilitated through discussions covering licence management, collections set up, ordering and metadata. The presentation will cover how these sessions were organised, highlights of discovered differences and the benefits of initiating Communities of Practice on a local level.

Ella Rohde-Condon, La Trobe University, Library Collections Specialist     

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014562687/3c25128cd3?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108077-–-Creating-a-local-Community-of-Practice-across-four-Melbourne.pdf

1662-106004 – Moving to Primo VE in a Multilingual Environment

11/09/2024 11:55 – 11/09/2024 12:25


Abstract: Transforming from PrimoBO to PrimoVE presents challenges. While the overall concept of simplification is welcomed, institutions accustomed to flexibility and customizability in BO may find stricter limitations difficult. This is amplified in a Multilingual environment, where flexibility is needed to accommodate various languages and alphabets, and to provide patrons constructive search and filtering options, along with consistent and logical display. The presentation reviews hurdles encountered during a GoVE process in a Multilingual environment. It addresses applying customized normalization rules of display fields to all languages; authority records with multiple preferred terms; directional predicaments stemming from the need to support RTL and LTR simultaneously; and distinguishing configuration of facets and full display. The objective is to share both issues that have been resolved, or a workaround has been found to deal with them, and those which continue to present a challenge

Karen Elisha, University of Haifa, Systems Librarian

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014586688/b4c8f14b20?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-106004-–-Moving-to-Primo-VE-in-a-Multilingual-Environment.pdf

1662-108702 – Transforming with technology: Charting a path for managing change

11/09/2024 11:55 – 11/09/2024 12:25

Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Audrey Marcus, Clarivate, Senior Vice President, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/audreymarcus/

Michael Gonzalez, University of Technology Sydney, https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgonzalez-mg

Isabel Archer, University of Leeds, Access & Acquisitions Manager

Elly Cope, University of Leeds, Head of Access & Acquisitions       

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014611003/378f655df6?share=copy

1662-108695 – Unlocking potential: an interactive round-table on leveraging Premium Services

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05

CPH Hotel – M1

Bettina Forster, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Senior Director, Service Implementation

Sonja Vogelsang, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate Director, Project Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/sonja-vogelsang-520b8311b

Recording –https://vimeo.com/1014177415/8352f634ff?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Ex-Libris-IGeLU-2024-Premium-Services-Roundtable_submitted.pdf

1662-108827- Community Collaboration: Empowering Libraries in an Open Platform

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05


Itai Veltzman, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Director, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/itaive

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014210860/4e201b677a?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108827-Community-Collaboration-Empowering-Libraries-in-an-Open.pdf

1662-106241 – Boosting Resource Management: using browser extensions in Alma

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05

Kastrup Lufthavn

Abstract: Resource management in Alma is a complex and intricate matter. Ex Libris offers a generic module that addresses most of the needs and requirements of their customers. Yet, some of them have very specific needs that are not included in Alma. At the Renouvaud Swiss library network, we want our librarians to remain in the Alma environment as much as possible and limit the amount of platforms they work on. At the same time, we need complex functionalities that are not present in Alma and exceed the capabilities of cloud apps. Therefore, we have decided to have browser extensions developed. In this talk, we will present two browser extensions that demonstrate this approach. The first one manages call numbers. The second one manages access points in bibliographic records and the links to authority records

Maaike Vautier, BCU Lausanne, Manager of the Cataloging Service, https://www.linkedin.com/in/maaike-vautier-6277095a/

Michael Hertig, BCU Lausanne, System and data librarian, https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-hertig-45670042/

Recording –https://vimeo.com/1014282660/c5415b21f6?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-106241-–-Boosting-Resource-Management-using-browser-extensions-in.pdf

1662 – 108003 – Using Collection Discovery to manage wellbeing and leisure print book collections

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05

Nørrebros Runddel

Abstract: Still new to Alma and Primo VE, we have begun a project to explore the Collection Discovery feature. We aim to promote our wellbeing and leisure print book collections, reduce manual processing of new stock, and apply what we learn to future projects. Our LibGuide for these collections brings together print, audio- and e-books, film, TV, and games, and links to curated lists on Talis like our Exploring Devon collection. The physical processing for print items involves adding various notes and categorising the item in the relevant Talis list. We are looking to streamline the workflow of ordering, receiving, and processing these items. Using logical sets to create collections and sub-collections is one way we may be able to save staff time. I will present each stage of the project, sharing the practical steps taken to curate our wellbeing collections within Collection Discovery and discuss any problems or opportunities that arise along the way.”

Eleanor Ann Lund, University of Exeter, Information Assistant

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014536879/925991502d?share=copy


1662-107201 – AI-Enabled Book Validation and Shelf Management: Effortlessly Identifying Missing, Misplaced, and Lost Books in Your Library Collection

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05

Sankt Hans Torv

Abstract: In this presentation, we will explore how AI can revolutionize book validation and shelf management in libraries. Libraries often face problems such as misplaced books, books not organized correctly, missing books, and books considered lost but are misplaced. These repetitive problems can be time-consuming and frustrating to solve. Our AI-enabled solution allows librarians to simply take a photo of the books on the shelf using their cell phone. The image is then scanned using AI to identify all books call numbers in the photo. These call numbers are then validated against Alma to solve the problems mentioned above.

Join us to learn how this solution can enhance collection efficiency in your library

Efrat Alagem, Technion Institute of Technology, Information System Engineering, https://www.linkedin.com/in/efrat-teharlev-alagem-b51bbb226/

Guy Shahaf, Technion Institute of Technology, Head of Information Systems, https://www.linkedin.com/in/guy-shahaf-b8347812

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1025869567/f04c436059?share=copy

Presentation – 1662-107201 – AI-Enabled Book Validation and Shelf Management: Effortlessly Identifying Missing, Misplaced, and Lost Books in Your Library Collection

1662-108828 – Alma Staff Search new user interface

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05


Maud Arnaud, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, Product Manager, https://www.linkedin.com/in/maud-arnaud-bb753a6b

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014586271/4b235373a1?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108828-–-Alma-Staff-Search-new-user-interface.pdf

1662-108703 – Title Matching Fast: A treasure trove of custom insights to enhance your ebook collection

11/09/2024 12:35 – 11/09/2024 13:05 Tivoli + Vesterbro Torv

Meredith Griggs-Keane, ProQuest, part of Clarivate Vice President, Product Management, https://www.linkedin.com/in/mvgriggs

Lisa McIntosh,University of Sydney,Director Access Services        

Recoding – https://vimeo.com/1014611084/bb71337d43?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1662-108703-–-Title-Matching-Fast-A-treasure-trove-of-custom-insights-to.pdf

1662-108502 – Q&A with Ex Libris Management

11/09/2024 14:00 – 11/09/2024 15:00

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Recording – N/A Physical session only (no live streaming or recordings)                                                   

1662-108501 – IGeLU 2024 Closing Keynote – All Data is Credit Information

11/09/2024 15:00 – 11/09/2024 15:40

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Vincent F. Hendricks, University of Copenhagen, Center for Information and Bubble Studies, Professor of Formal Philosophy

Recording – N/A Physical session only (no recordings)

1662-108503 – Farewell

11/09/2024 15:40 – 1/09/2024 16:00

Plenary room – Skt. Hans Torv + Nørrebros Runddel

Recording – https://vimeo.com/1014562095/d871dee7bc?share=copy

Presentation – https://igelu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Plenary-Closing-Session.pdf